Women in the Economy
"The Ministry of Women's Affairs was established in May 1986 to ensure that women's lives and needs are incorporated into decision-making. Soon after the ministry began it was clear that fundamental information about women's lives had never been documented. As a result women's contribution to society has been invisible. New Zealand women have always played a major part in the economy but in recent years their role has been changing as more women enter the paid workforce. At the same time they are affirming the importance of family life through their continued work in the home, and are active in promoting the services they need, such as childcare, healthcare and education. Anne Horsfield, economist, was invited by the ministry to pull together detailed information. using existing research and literature, Anne has built up a comprehensive picture of the economic position of women in New Zealand ... This in-depth review provides an invaluable starting point for policy-making, further research and continuing debate on some of the key issues which affect women"--Back cover.