Židé v protektorátu
A collection of documents (in the original German and with a Czech translation). The first (pp. 31-50) presents a history of the Jewish community in Prague until 1848. The second (pp. 51-66) deals with the situation of the Jews between 15 March 1939-15 June 1942. The rest of the book contains documents from 1942, composed by various departments of the Jüdische Kultusgemeinde Prag, the central organization of the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia. The documents deal with issues such as social welfare, medical care, provision of work, housing problems, financial affairs, legal protection, and registration of Jewish inhabitants. Included is a report of the Zionistische Zentralverband - Palästina-Amt, which was an independent authority until 10 May 1941, and a report of the Treuhandstelle, which was part of the Kultusgemeinde and responsible for the confiscation of Jewish property. The latter employed ca. 3,000 Jewish workers, who placed the confiscated goods in storage, mainly in the synagogues in Prague. All of these reports were sent to the Zentralstelle für Jüdische Auswanderung, the Nazi authority for implementing the anti-Jewish measures in the Protectorate. Pp. 7-25 contain an introduction, in Czech, by Helena Krejčová.