Patria e lavoro
The Artisan Brotherhood of Italy, born in Florence in 1861, established itself immediately on the national scene as the most important working-class association, both for the number of members and for its ambitions and political views. Purpose of its promoters was to extend it to all the new State and to unify, according to Mazziniâ__s words â__the whole working-class from one end of Italy to anotherâ__. The book deals extensively with the period of the origins, in which the association combines the languages of corporate tradition to the liberal and progressive political ideals. Education, as a means to integrate workers into the new national state, is at the first place among its statutory purposes. The Brotherhood thus represents one of the most interesting proposals of the labour and patriotic education, to understand the characters of the development of a national identity among the lower and working classes. The second part of the book is dedicated to the side activities and to the analysis of the social base from the beginning to the 30s of the XX century.