"God's Good News is so beautiful, profound, and far-reaching, we won't fully grasp the enormity of it until we see Jesus face to face. Yet, as we walk with Him, God reveals to us more than we could ever imagine. Though at first we see only a small part, as God opens our eyes, we discern further details of intricate beauty. Much like us walking into a dim room and at first seeing only a plush sofa, and then upon the curtains being opened, one by one, further exquisite items being revealed to us. Yet, this revelation of the far-reaching impact of the Gospel is not a special revelation reserved for just a few. This is simply the walk of the Christian in Truth." Impact brings to light the Good News, which has the impact of setting us free from common issues we face as women: conformity, idolatry, other-perfectionism, pride, envy, control, guilt, condemnation, and self-perfectionism. This book will help you discern your areas of struggle, and reflect on the Good News of God's Character, God's Design, and God's Redemption, so you can walk in the hope of freedom. It's my prayer that you will join me in this journey of discovering the beautiful impact of the Gospel and that together, as God's children, we grow in: uniqueness; true worship; grace; humility; love; surrender; repentance; discernment; and rest. May we glorify our Heavenly Father, as we grow in the truth that sets us free.