Live2Eat, Eat2Live
Forget diets. Beat addictions. Don't give up, but live up. If there would be a pill (without side effects) for guaranteed happiness, would you buy it? You probably would, because «being happy» is the highest goal of every human being, for which we sacrifice everything. Well, such a pill exists. It has no annoying side effects, it's FREE, and you have a «not good, money back» guarantee. It's not even difficult to get it: you have it in your hands right now, but it only works if you take a few pages every day. No starvation and torture sports in this book. Eating is a party and life is fun. If you want to get healthy, slim, fit, and happy, the best way is to slowly-but-surely change your habits. Twelve 7-course dinners full of information, about nutrition and healthy habits, invite you to take a step forward every month, with pleasure, just keep going, even after you have reached your goal. This way, everyone can do it. That is good news. Do you already feel a little happier? Of course you do. It's already working. And you haven't even bought the medicine yet.