Huckleberry Ridge
Huckleberry Ridge is a story about high school girl friends who reunite twenty years out of high school at a Montana Guest Ranch called Huckleberry Ridge. Although their lives have since taken different roads, they remain close, like sisters. While visiting the ranch the women meet new friends and help each other with major lifelong decisions. Gabrielle Watson, Olivia Papadakos, Kacie Kane and Bella James grew up friends in Beaumont, Texas in the 1970's. The intimate relationship formed in the first grade sustained them through life. The close friends celebrated big and small triumphs and supported each other through good times and in times of sorrow. Growing up in Beaumont was a memorable experience. The bottom line being, they generally had a worry-free-good-time. While in high school, Kacie dreamed of become a famous country western singer. Gabrielle wanted to get married and have five kids after she graduated high school. Bella wanted to become a nurse or a doctor someday; and Olivia was thrilled to be Greek. She planned to visit Greece when she graduated high school. Sharing dark secrets, the girls understood each other's innermost fears and weaknesses, yet no one took advantage. They developed a trust and mutual understanding by sharing much of what went on behind the scenes in their young minds and lives. As teenagers they revealed crushes, relationships, arguments with parents, secret missions, hideouts, ideas about sex and crushes on boys. Telling their deep dark secrets became a test of true friendship. They vowed to forever be there for each other any time, any place... anywhere. As adults, they share similar uncertainties and feelings of emotional abandonment. Though all successful women they face heartache and situations they cannot overcome without relying on each other. Their strong friendship sees them through upheavals and betrayals they wouldn't otherwise have the courage to handle alone. The story shows the importance of woman to woman friendships. Its message will give the reader an ability to cope with similar life changing situations should they occur in their own lives.