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Structural Transformation As Development
Structural Transformation As Development
This book evaluates development progress using the lens of structural transformation in four groups of developing countries: Africa's least developed countries (LDCs), Asia's LDCs, landlocked Central Asian countries, and Pacific small island states. The analysis presented is contextualized in the diverse economic characteristics and geopolitical landscape of the four categories of countries. In doing so, research on Africa's LDCs emphasizes the overall picture of missed economic opportunities, while the research on Asia's LDCs focus on policy lessons. The chapter on landlocked Central Asian countries focuses more on the unique transition experience of those countries coming out from USSR hinterlands to independent states in the wake of the third wave of democratisation in the 1990s. Lastly the evaluation of Pacific small island states is very much influenced by the fate of geography for being small in size and remotely located. The diverse coverage offers readers rich varieties of structural transformation experiences and comparative development perspectives. The book is non-technical, with descriptive, narrative, and analytical approaches on comparative development, making it suitable and accessible for non-specialist audiences. Anis Chowdhury is Emeritus Professor at Western Sydney University, Australia.. He's had an accomplished academic career; founding managing editor (1995-2008) of the Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy; Managing Editor, Asia Pacific Sustainable Development Journal, Co-editor, the Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy; and Economic and Labour Relations Review. Also held senior United Nations positions (2008-2016) in the area of Economic and Social affairs. Zulfan Tadjoeddin is Associate Professor in Development Studies, School of Social Sciences, Western Sydney University, Australia. Yogi Vidyattama is an Associate Professor at Canberra School of Politics, Economics and Society, Faculty of Business, Government and Law, , University of Canberra, Australia.
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Employment and Re-Industrialisation in Post Soeharto Indonesia
Employment and Re-Industrialisation in Post Soeharto Indonesia
This book studies the challenges for Indonesia, once a miracle economy, as it faces premature deindustrialisation, rising inequality and domestic and external factors impacting its export-oriented industrialization. Since the fall of Soeharto, Indonesia has undergone a far-reaching systemic transition from centralised and autocratic governance to a highly decentralised and democratic system. Complicated by regional variations, the country is now being called upon to respect labour rights and, amidst slow global economic recovery, is facing increased competition from other low-labour-cost countries, especially within the ASEAN Economic Community. Tadjoeddin and Chowdhury posit that Indonesia cannot recreate its past miracle based on cheap labour and suppression of labour rights. It will need to move quickly to high value-added activities driven by productivity growth and to develop its domestic market.
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Asia-Pacific Economies
Asia-Pacific Economies
First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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The Newly Industrializing Economies of East Asia
The Newly Industrializing Economies of East Asia
Offers a careful synthesis of a vast and disparate literature and makes it accessible to student readership. Points to the need to take a closer look at the future evolution of the East Asian NIEs in an era of democratisation.
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The Newly Industrializing Economies of East Asia
The Newly Industrializing Economies of East Asia
The phenomenal success of the East Asian Newly Industrializing Economies (NIEs) of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore is now well-known and documented. Their success has been discussed to such an extent that it has become entrenched as part of the folklore of development economics. The Newly Industrializing Economies of East Asia takes a fresh look at the relevant literature and sifts the rhetoric from the reality. In the course of surveying the vast range of writing two competing paradigms become clear: the neo-classical approach which interprets the East Asian economic miracle as the predictable outcome of `good' policies; and the statist perspective which draws attention to the central role of the government in guiding East Asian economic development. Throughout the book the authors mix country-specific experiences with broader trends.
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Development Policy and Planning
Development Policy and Planning
Reorientation from economic controls to a market-based approach led to significant changes in the economic policy of developing countries in the 1980s. Yet, with governments continuing to exercise economic management to accelerate growth beyond that achieved by market forces, techniques and models of development planning are still an integral feature of development policy management. Development Policy and Planning provides a non-technical explanation of the main techniques and models used for economic policy formulation. Each technique is illustrated in application through practical examples.
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The Political Economy of East Asia
The Political Economy of East Asia
This text critically evaluates the current orthodoxy in the light of the Asian crisis and traces the debates in East Asian political economy in the broad context of development studies.
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Monetary and Financial Policies in Developing Countries
Monetary and Financial Policies in Developing Countries
The issue of economic development and monetary stability has produced one of the most passionate debates in economic literature. Yet, much of the evidence employed in this debate is contradictory. Monetary and Financial Policies in Developing Countries: Growth and Stabilization brings together diverse views on the subject within a coherent framework. The work includes: * a balanced assessment of empirical findings and their theoretical foundations on the role of money and growth * a discussion of financial liberalization reform in developing countries * an analysis of monetary policy as an instrument of economic stabilization * an examination of the monetary supply and demand process in developing countries * a study of the relationship between money, credit, the balance of payments, inflation and the exchange rate system * a reflection on market failures and the role of government.
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Open-economy Macroeconomics for Developing Countries
Open-economy Macroeconomics for Developing Countries
The authors (economics, U. of Newcastle, Australia and U. of Western Sydney, Australia, respectively) argue that there is no dichotomy between short-term macroeconomic stabilization and long-term economic growth. They attempt to show that macroeconomic stability is a prerequisite for sustained growth and the root of macroeconomic instability in developing countries lies in the government budget deficits. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
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The Indonesian Labour Market
The Indonesian Labour Market
Written by the best-selling author of Asia Pacific Economies, this book, containing a thorough analysis of pre- and post-crisis environments and industry is an important addition to the literature on industrial development in developing countries.
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