Fintech & Covid-19 Pandemic
Fintech, a combination of the words “financial” and “technology” is a relatively new and often nebulous term that applies to any emerging technology that help consumers or financial institutions. Who Should Read This Book Let me assure you, an article or book which is based on the finance industry is always a treat to go through. However, the audience for this book ideally would be people who wish to have in-depth knowledge about Fundacle Fintech product, also people who wish to have a detailed understanding of the Fintech industry. •Any individual/institution who are already using another fintech product. •Businessman / Business Seller / Innovations / Investors / Financial advisors who wish to have step by step usage of Fundacle Fintech product. •Finance college students who wish to be aware of fintech product they wish to use once they go into the real market of the finance industry. •Probable Country Level Joint Venture owners of Fundacle who wish to have a detailed analysis. •Government / Central Bank who wish to deploy Fundacle at country level for regulatory purpose. •Philanthropist who are looking to spread money to the most rightful businesses which have an impact based on their social goals. Socio-economic impact studies measure and monetize the economic, social, environmental and financial costs, benefits for all stakeholders of a project or public policy over its lifetime. By translating the costs and benefits into a monetary unit, socio-economic evaluation allows the following indicators to be derived - •The net creation of collective value (socio-economic NDV) •The socio-economic return •The collective value per US Dollars invested (socio-economic ROI) Fundacle being a Fintech platform that is free for the general public would enhance the current financial ecosystem and fill the gap for global fintech product being the financial networking platform, similarly to Facebook being a platform for social networking.