War by Other Means
This book is required reading to grasp the dynamics of economic sanctions. Drawing on recent Western sanctions imposed on the Russian economy, it provides a persuasive corrective to the dominant perspective that sanctions undermine target countries. -Immanuel Ness, Chairperson and Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, NY. This is an outstanding contribution to the literature. It provides a comprehensive and balanced analysis of the role of sanctions in the contemporary era. -Alan W. Cafruny, Henry Bristol Professor of International Affairs, Department of Government, Hamilton College, USA. This important study shows how Russia has survived being the most sanctioned country in the world by reorienting its trade towards the East and creating import-substitution policies and investment in local industries. -Jeremy Kuzmarov, author of The Russians are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce. A timely contribution to the growing sanctions literature that urges policy adjustment to new geopolitical realities. -Dr. Ksenia Kirkham, Lecturer in the Department of War Studies, King's College London. This book analyses the goals of Western sanctions imposed on Russia from 2014 to 2023. It explores the effects of sanctions on the Russian economy and its political course, as well as the repercussions of the sanctions to the senders and third parties, including spillover effects on neighboring countries and boomerang effects on the senders. While sanctions can be considered relatively effective in terms of economic consequences, the Russian economy is far from being crushed. Importantly, sanctions proved to be ineffective as an instrument of foreign policy. They have failed to alter Moscow's resolve to continue its military operation and are unlikely to change it in the near future. Dr. Angela Borozna is Adjunct Professor at California State University, Fullerton. Dr. Lada V. Kochtcheeva is Professor of Political Science in the School of Public and International Affairs at the North Carolina State University.