Ideas--A Secret Weapon for Business
We all need creative ideas for solving challenging problems, innovating, and reconciling dilemmas. IDEAS sets forth what every executive should know about contributing to collaborative environments, thinking like a designer, and leading teams. This book suggests a distinctive framework for collaboration informed by design thinking. Collaboration under the umbrella of such a process can be optimally effective in triggering inspiration, leading to fresh ideas that are highly responsive to stakeholders. Collaborative design thinking cannot be reduced to an algorithm; unlike math and science problems there is no single, right answer. Nor are there formulaic or simplistic approaches, which may limit creative possibilities to solving problems or conceiving the right questions. This book will therefore: - Render accessible the solution-oriented abilities that we all possess by providing practical tools for thinking imaginatively and critically. - Demonstrate that elements of design thinking can be cherry-picked, weighted, and combined--depending on the project and its context--to yield a unique process for each problem. - Focus on the collaborative approach necessary to elicit the best ideas from all stakeholders. Rich with case studies and practical insights, this concise, ideas-oriented guide will unlock a new route to innovation for executives, managers, administrators, board members, and especially, aspiring leaders in many types of businesses.