50 Tools for Building Brilliant Schools
This book, 50 Tools for Building Brilliant Schools, is a companion to the handbook, Building Brilliant Schools: What G.R.E.A.T. Leaders Do Differently. That book is a guide that identifies critical underpinnings for a successful school and outlines a pathway for leaders to construct and maintain those foundations. Throughout my years of experience as a teacher, school leader, leadership coach, and mentor, I've spent a lot of time pondering the question of what makes a brilliant school. I've noticed recurring assumptions, priorities, and actions that served as a firm base for a flourishing, excellent educational setting. I've gathered these into what I call pillars-broad, deep, sound structures that, together, can transform struggling schools into thriving, engaging, student-centered, equitable places of learning. They can also turn fairly successful schools into brilliantly successful schools. These pillars are:- Gratitude-noticing, understanding, and actively appreciating people and situations - Relationships-the real, trusting, and reliable connections with others - Expectations-the assumptions, intentions, and possibilities we project to each other - Achievement-what we believe and how we act to help each other attain at best levels - Tenacity-how we keep trying, working, adapting, and hoping-without giving upThat first book, Building Brilliant Schools, defines and explains (with research-backed findings) each of the G.R.E.A.T. pillars. In addition, it gives details about the benefits, obstacles, interventions, attitudes, and behaviors that build and sustain each pillar. It is filled with mindsets, concrete steps, and actions to help leaders and other educators get results with each pillar.But wait! I wanted to provide even more of the practical, how-to-get-it-done assistance than is contained in that book. I wanted leaders, teachers, and students to have hands-on instruction in doing the kinds of strategies that propel the building of a brilliant school.