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Statement of Andrew Shepherd, Regarding Land Sales, Approximately 1763
Statement written in the hand of Edmund Pendleton, undated, probably 1763.
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The Gift of the Other
The Gift of the Other
We live in an age of global capitalism and terror. In a climate of consumption and fear the unknown Other is regarded as a threat to our safety, a client to assist, or a competitor to be overcome in the struggle for scarce resources. And yet, the Christian Scriptures explicitly summon us to welcome strangers, to care for the widow and the orphan, and to build relationships with those distant from us. But how, in this world of hostility and commodification, do we practice hospitality? In The Gift of the Other, Andrew Shepherd engages deeply with the influential thought of French thinkers Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida, and argues that a true vision of hospitality is ultimately found not in postmodern philosophies but in the Christian narrative. The book offers a compelling Trinitarian account of the God of hospitality - a God of communion who 'makes room' for otherness, who overcomes the hostility of the world though Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and who through the work of the Spirit is forming a new community: the Church - a people of welcome.
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Conon Bridge had been discarded by the Ministry of Defense after saving the lives of an elite US Navy SEALS team who were hunting for Osama bin Laden. He returned to his beloved Highlands to hide and lick his wounds, but when the Russian Navy came snooping around in the waters off the Isle of Skye during a NATO exercise, a series of events lead to some of the worlds greatest secrets being uncovered by the Royal Marines Commandos elite Special Boat Squadron, who would go anywhere to unearth the truth.
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The and Shepherd's Challenge
The and Shepherd's Challenge
In order for the Church to impact this world with the good news of Jesus, we are going to have to take on the very character of Christ - the heart of a shepherd. In this compelling book, author Andrew DeLee exposes our need to examine not only our personal relationship with God, but also our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Shepherd's Challenge is a call to unity and partnership in the Body of Christ. If we want to see God move in greater ways, we have to embrace the person of Jesus Christ, who is our ultimate example of the Good Shepherd. Regardless of whether you are a pastor or a volunteer in your church, this book will help you discover the powerful truth: that walking in a deep love for one another is God's plan for changing the world.Bishop Andrew DeLee, along with his wife Rhonda, founded Voice to the Nations Worship Center in 2001. They have a clear vision to destroy racism, break poverty, and touch the next generation with the heart of God. Bishop DeLee is passionate about seeing the church reach its true potential. The Shepherd's Challenge is the first of many books that is sure to compel the church to reach that potential.
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The Shepherd and the Flock
The Shepherd and the Flock
Are you in a dry wilderness in your walk with God? Do you seem stuck in a rut? The message of this book may be the missing link you have been looking for. While the subject of spiritual authority in the Church can be uncomfortable and even inflammatory because of the abuse of authority by some in leadership, it is nevertheless a very Biblical concept; one that God Himself has ordained and one in which rich blessings and productivity can be found for those who understand and follow these spiritual principles. Get ready to blossom! In any government, kingdom or family there are guidelines to live by so we might prosper and live well together. Within that context, Andrew Robbins speaks as a father to his children in this book, releasing timeless wisdom and principles to live by. Fathers have the difficult task of sometimes speaking hard truth, but it is in that truth that we are set free. I believe you will find this book to be an honest, humble and transparent presentation of Biblical authority from the Scriptures as well as Andrew's own life and experience. While teachers are important since they help us accurately divide the truth, fathers help us get our hearts right. This book will help you align your heart to God's heart. -Gregg Jackson, senior pastor, Legacy Life Church, Jeffersonville, IN Andrew Robbins is the founder of Andrew Robbins Ministries (ARM) and the pastor of Blessed Life Fellowship. It is his passion to connect with people crippled by failure and brokenness, and help them begin living an overcoming life in Christ by practicing the principles of God's Kingdom. Andrew resides in central Indiana with his wife, Donna, and their children, Hannah, Luke, and Drew. His other ministry resources can be accessed at
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A Shepherd Remembers
A Shepherd Remembers
Andrew Purves was born in 1912 in the parish of Linton, near Kelso, Roxburghshire. His boyhood ambition was to become a shepherd like his father before him and during a long career he worked on farms in the vicinity of Kelso as well as Berwickshire and Glas Water, and over the border in Glendale and Otterburn. His career spanned a period of sweeping changes in the structure of agricultural communities and of rural life, during which the countryside of his childhood and youth has altered almost beyond recognition.
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Shepherding Like Jesus
Shepherding Like Jesus
POOR IN SPIRIT. BROKEN. HUMBLE. HUNGRY. SYMPATHETIC. PURE. RECONCILING. ENDURING. These are not the words that describe the typical picture of the modern-day successful American pastor, but these are the words Jesus said should characterize the lives of his twelve disciples. In many circles, the image of what a pastor is or does looks nothing like the picture Jesus paints for his disciples of the character that marks citizens of his kingdom. Shepherding like Jesus is a call to rebel against much of what our culture understands pastoral leadership to be and return to being the shepherd God has called pastors to be. It’s an invitation to recover the most essential element of pastoral ministry: the character of Christ.
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Eliminating World Poverty
Poverty reduction is once more at the top of the agenda in international development with new targets to reduce absolute income poverty by half and reduce other aspects of disadvantage over the first two decades of the 21st century. This important new text assesses the lessons of 50 years of development aid to illuminate the lessons as to what is required to eliminate world poverty in particular the importance of political issues and of listening to the voices of poor people themselves.
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Preventing Famine
Preventing Famine
Some urgent new thinking is needed if any lessons are to be learnt from the recent disasters. This book brings together the experience of a number of writers who have worked on, or studied, poverty alleviation programmes in Asia and Africa.
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