The Shepherd and the Flock
Are you in a dry wilderness in your walk with God? Do you seem stuck in a rut? The message of this book may be the missing link you have been looking for. While the subject of spiritual authority in the Church can be uncomfortable and even inflammatory because of the abuse of authority by some in leadership, it is nevertheless a very Biblical concept; one that God Himself has ordained and one in which rich blessings and productivity can be found for those who understand and follow these spiritual principles. Get ready to blossom! In any government, kingdom or family there are guidelines to live by so we might prosper and live well together. Within that context, Andrew Robbins speaks as a father to his children in this book, releasing timeless wisdom and principles to live by. Fathers have the difficult task of sometimes speaking hard truth, but it is in that truth that we are set free. I believe you will find this book to be an honest, humble and transparent presentation of Biblical authority from the Scriptures as well as Andrew's own life and experience. While teachers are important since they help us accurately divide the truth, fathers help us get our hearts right. This book will help you align your heart to God's heart. -Gregg Jackson, senior pastor, Legacy Life Church, Jeffersonville, IN Andrew Robbins is the founder of Andrew Robbins Ministries (ARM) and the pastor of Blessed Life Fellowship. It is his passion to connect with people crippled by failure and brokenness, and help them begin living an overcoming life in Christ by practicing the principles of God's Kingdom. Andrew resides in central Indiana with his wife, Donna, and their children, Hannah, Luke, and Drew. His other ministry resources can be accessed at