Introducing Language in Use
Introducing Language in Use is a comprehensive coursebook for students new to the study of language and linguistics. Written by a highly experienced team of teachers, this coursebook is lively and accessible, interactive and above all produced with students firmly in mind. Drawing on a vast range of data and examples of language in its many forms, the book provides students with the tools they need to analyse real language in diverse contexts. Designed to be highly adaptable for course use, the authors suggest a range of different routes through the book. Introducing Language in Use: covers all the core areas and topics of language study: language, semiotics and communication, grammar, phonetics, words, semantics, variety in language, history of English, world Englishes, multilingualism, psycholinguistics, child language acquisition, conversation analysis, pragmatics, power and politeness, language in education has chapters contributed by John Field and Sushie Dobbinson, expanding the range of expertise adopts a 'how to' approach, encouraging students to apply their knowledge as they learn it presents many examples, drawn from varied domains (including conversation, advertising and text messaging), always giving precedence to real language in use includes activities throughout the text with commentaries, summaries, suggestions for further reading and an extensive glossary of terms features a final unit which offers students further practice in analysing language in use is supported by a companion website, offering extra resources for students and instructors This will be an essential coursebook for all introductory courses in English language, language and communication and linguistics.