Critical Reflections on Curriculum Policy
The Fellowship of the Scottish Council for Research in Education (SCRE) recognizes educational researchers whose work has made an outstanding contribution to research, practice, or policy. The first part of this book is the Conferment of the SCRE Fellowship by Professor Gordon Kirk, chairman of SCRE. The second and third parts are the 1992 SCRE Fellowship papers. The title of Sally Brown's paper is "Raising Standards: Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Innovations." Sections include priority for economic criteria and management, national curricula and conflicts of goals, and assumptions about learning. The title of Andrew McPherson's paper is "Critical Reflections on the Howie Report." This is a critique of the report titled: "Upper Secondary Education in Scotland: Report of the Committee to Review Curriculum and Examinations in the Fifth and Sixth Years of Secondary Education in Scotland," published by the Scottish Office Education Department (1992). McPherson argues that the proposals in the Howie report are not only unnecessary, unworkable, and damaging, but also incomplete. The majority of the paper discusses the rights and wrongs of the Howie report but also says something about the history that Howie has overlooked, and reflects on some implications from this. (Contains 28 references.) (RR)