Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John
Andrew Brunson examines the presence and function of Ps 118 in the Gospel of John, placing particular emphasis on its interpretation in a New Exodus context which has previously not been developed in the Fourth Gospel. Following a comprehensive survey of Ps 118's Jewish setting, its role in the festivals, and its use in the Synoptic Gospels, special attention is given to the quotations in the Entrance Narrative.The author argues that John portrays Jesus as bringing an end to Israel's state of continuing exile by fulfilling the role reserved to Yahweh in the New Exodus. This culminates in the Entrance to Jerusalem where Jesus embodies the return of Yahweh to reign among his people. A literary study of the coming-sent theme in John underscores the extent to which Jesus is identified ontologically and functionally with the Father. A previously unnoticed allusion to Ps 118 and Jubilees in John 8.56 is explored, and attention is paid to establishing the presence and developing the function of several neglected allusions to the psalm in 10:7-10; 10:24-25; and 11:41-42.