National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
This publication presents statistics that estimate higher education student financial aid for 1992-93 in 12 tables using data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS). NPSAS is a comprehensive study that is examining how students and their families pay for postsecondary education. It includes nationally representative samples of undergraduates, graduates, and first-professional students, students attending less-than-two-year, two-year, four-year, and doctoral granting institutions. Tables include information that shows aid for undergraduates by source and student characteristic, by type of aid, average amounts of federal and non-federal aid, graduate and professional students receiving aid and the average amounts of aid they receive. Highlights of the report include: (1) about 40 percent of undergraduates (about 7.7 million) received financial aid from some source; (2) about 1 out of every 3 undergraduates received some type of federal aid and about 2 out of every 10 received federal grants; (3) among the 2.2 million aided undergraduates enrolled at public two-year institutions, the average amount of aid received was about $2,200; (4) among graduate and first-professional students about 4 of every 10 received some financial aid from any source averaging $8,500; and (5) about 75 percent of first-professional program students received aid averaging over $14,500. Appendixes contain 11 tables, including eight standard error tables, and description of variables used in this tabulation. (JB)