Caring for a Canary - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Caring for your Canary - With Sections on Bird Choice, Training, Aviaries, Common Ailments and Cures
Contained in this book is a comprehensive guide to the owning of and caring for canaries, containing answers to frequently asked questions with sections on bird choice, training, aviaries, and common ailments and cures. Written in the style of concise questions and answers complete with a wealth of helpful illustrations and diagrams, this text constitutes the perfect starting point for prospective canary owners, as well as being of value as a reference book for existing avicultural enthusiasts. Chapters contained herein include: 'The Home Canary', 'The Home Cage and How to Clean It', 'Training the House Bird', 'Taking up the Hobby', 'Breeding in Cages', 'Selecting Breeding Stock', 'General Management of Breeding Stock', 'Breeding for Exhibition', 'Pairing Birds for Breeding', 'Close Ringing of the Young Birds', and many more. We are proud to republish this antique book with a new introduction to the subject of aviculture.