2014 Crisis in Ukraine. Perspectives, Reflections, International Reverberations
This book is a collective attempt to present a wide-ranging picture of international attitudes towards the events currently ongoing in Ukraine. As some experts have already tended to claim, in 2014 this post-Soviet state lying in the Eastern part of the European continent has become a scene of the most serious geopolitical standoff since the end of the Cold war. It would be in place here to remind a well-known clear-cut maxim, formulated by Zbigniew Brzeziński in late 1990s and concerning Ukraine’s key role in shaping the Russian imperial self-identity: “Without Ukraine Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire”. So what may readers expect to find in this book? It has been divided into two parts, reflecting the perspectives on Ukrainian crisis: first, the perspective of Ukraine’s close neighbours from Central Eastern Europe and Turkey; second, the perspectives of the global players like the EU, the US or China. We hope that such a publication focused on the above-mentioned problems and embedded in the actual reality will be useful both for professionals in the field of political science, as well as for those who have an influence on the shape of the foreign policy.