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Haunt You To The End
Haunt You To The End
GHOST STORY FOR THE END OF THE WORLD! In a not-sofar future rife with climate disasters and worldwide instability, an eccentric billionaire and his crew—a disgraced journalist, a radical doctor, a TV demonologist, and a squad of hardbitten military contractors—set out to prove the existence of life after death. But even if their mission is a success, the truth behind the “most haunted place on earth” may not be the comforting revelation the world is hoping for. Collects HAUNT YOU TO THE END #1-5
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Infinite Dark Vol. 1
Infinite Dark Vol. 1
"The universe ended, but humanity survived. And for years, the passengers and crew of the vessel Orpheus found the endless void between realities to be a surprisingly peaceful home. Then they found a body bloodied, brutalized, and surrounded by inscrutable runes. As Security Director Deva Karrell investigates the Orpheus' first murder, she'll come face-to-face with a horror from beyond the confines of time itselfÉ Collects INFINITE DARK #1-4 "
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G.I. Joe Origins
Larry Hama is back and he's joined by Italian sensation Andrea Mutti for part one of this three-part story continuing the earliest adventures of G.I. JOE! Construction on the Pit begins, Snake Eyes pays off old debts, and Scarlett is trapped in a van full of hostiles!
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Maniac of New York
Maniac of New York
Harry el Maníaco no es humano, no se le puede matar, no se le puede detener... Que es por lo que la solución de las autoridades ha sido ignorarle y dejar que los neoyorquinos se adapten a un mundo en el que este asesino puede golpear en cualquier momento. Cuando Harry el Maníaco empieza a matar en el metro, la traumatizada Gina Greene, nueva directora del Cuerpo Especial del Maníaco, y Zelda Pettibone, una detective del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York caída en desgracia, deciden armarse de valor e ir a por él. Pero ¿cómo van a enfrentarse a un monstruo si son incapaces de enfrentarse a la alcaldía? En este volumen se incluyen los números 1 a 5 de la aclamada serie de Elliott Kalan y Andrea Mutti. «Kalan y Mutti han dado forma a una historia que resulta verdaderamente inquietante». // Horror DNA «Kalan lo clava y el dibujo de Mutti capta la intensidad con suma belleza». // Comic Crusaders «¡Quiero mucho más!». // The Fandom Post " Editorial: Aftershock
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Image! #2 (Of 12)
Image! #2 (Of 12)
The celebration of Image Comics’ 30th anniversary continues with the second issue in a 12-issue anthology, featuring all-new stories by some of the biggest and best names in comics! This issue features the second chapters of two 12-part stories: “The Blizzard” by GEOFF JOHNS & ANDREA MUTTI and “Red Stitches” by BRENDEN FLETCHER & ERIC HENDERSON, plus the second installments of three shorter serials: “Gospel for a New Century” by WYATT KENNEDY & LUANA VECCHIO, “Hopeless” by MIRKA ANDOLFO, and “Shift” by KYLE HIGGINS & DANIELE DI NICUOLO. Plus! An all-new ICE CREAM MAN short story by W. MAXWELL PRINCE and MARTÍN MORAZZO, the beginning of WES CRAIG’s KAYA, the opening installment of a 10-part serial by PATRICK KINDLON & MAURIZIO ROSENZWEIG, and the continuation of the all-new ongoing comic strip by SKOTTIE YOUNG!
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Port Of Earth Vol. 2
Port Of Earth Vol. 2
The Port of Earth is open for business to all galactic alien travelers, but as our alien business partners secretly visit Earth, an unresolved alien threat emerges, and recently traumatized Earth Security Agents Rice and McIntyre must balance between protecting humans and alien visitors alike, while shouldering the fate of EarthÕs autonomy of our own planet's security. A politically-charged, thought-provoking sci-fi action thriller from ZACK KAPLAN (ECLIPSE) and ANDREA MUTTI (REBELS, STAR WARS, BATMAN ETERNAL, PROMETHEUS). Collects PORT OF EARTH #5-8
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Port Of Earth Vol. 1
Port Of Earth Vol. 1
Imagine if aliens came to Earth not in war or peace, but with a business deal: open up a spaceport here on Earth in exchange for advanced technology. But when our alien visitors break Port restrictions and wreak havoc in our cities, it falls to the newly formed Earth Security Agents to hunt down and safely deport the dangerous rogue aliens back to the Port of Earth. A gritty sci-fi action thriller from new comic book writer ZACK KAPLAN (ECLIPSE) and ANDREA MUTTI (Rebels, Star Wars, Batman Eternal, Prometheus). Collects PORT OF EARTH #1-4
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Bunny Mask
Bunny Mask
Prepárate para vivir el terror con este cómic de Paul Tobin y Andrea Mutti. Encerrada en una cueva desde el amanecer de los tiempos y liberada por un desequilibrado, Máscara de Conejo camina de nuevo entre nosotros. Pero ¿con qué siniestro propósito utiliza sus poderes antinaturales? Y, ¿qué tiene que ver con Bee Foster, una niña asesinada por su padre hace catorce años? Si quiere salvar la vida —y mantenerse cuerdo— nuestro protagonista tendrá que descubrir qué es lo que hay realmente detrás de la máscara. El guionista Paul Tobin (Colder) y el dibujante Andrea Mutti (Maniac of New York, Hellblazer) desatan una antiquísima leyenda en un mundo que para nada se la espera... una leyenda que hará que la peor de tus pesadillas ¡parezca un paseo por el parque! Este primer volumen de Bunny Mask, La esquirla de diente, contiene los números del 1 al 4 de la serie. «Tobin y Mutti han encontrado una veta rica de material nuevo y único que te deja estremecido, como hace el mejor de los terrores», BGCP. «Bunny Mask, más profundo que las habituales historias de terror, nos promete un viaje reconfortante en el campo emocional», AIPT.
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The Returning
The Returning
Near future, and some people who have had Near-Death Experiences have come back "changed." They exhibit extreme behavioral changes, becoming increasingly paranoid and violent, and no one knows why. People who have had NDE's fall immediately under suspicion, and in some cases, are murdered by justice-seeking vigilantes. It is in this world where Beth, a quiet high school student with a bright future, will learn just how quickly friends and family will turn on her when she has the bad luck of surviving the worst night of her life? Collects the complete miniseries, issues #1-4.
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A fictional biography of the legendary Jewish mobster, Meyer Lansky, as he attempts to organize his very last con job.
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