The Lies of Leonardo DiCaprio and How They Destroy the Human Race
PLEASE READ THIS BOOK TO SAVE THE HUMAN RACE. PASS IT ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. WE, THE PEOPLE, DO NOT HAVE TO LET THE HUMAN RACE BE DESTROYED. I WROTE THIS BOOK TO PREVENT ANY MORE: SHUTDOWNS, SHOOTING RAMPAGES, VIRUSES OR CRASHES. WE HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE THE HUMAN RACE BEFORE THEY CAUSE ARMAGEDDON. PLEASE HURRY AND TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THE SALE OF MY BOOK BEFORE THEY KILL ONE MORE KID JUST TO STEAL FROM ME. PROSTITUTES FROM SOUTH AMERICA ARE NOT ALLOWED TO "RAPE AND ROB" OTHER WOMEN'S SPIRITUAL ART & ARCHITECTURE. THEY WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO STEAL FROM ITALIAN GIRLS! THE MORRONE'S ARE UNEDUCATED BANK ROBBERS. THEIR GUERILLA WARFARE ATTACKS ON OUR COUNTRY FROM 2018-2022 KILLED OVER 15 MILLION PEOPLE AND CAUSED AT LEAST 29 MILLION AMERICANS TO SUFFER HEART AND BRAIN DAMAGES. MAXIMO MORRONE USED HIS CAMERA TO CREATE NEGATIVE SCIENCE BY LYING AND STEALING FROM THE ITALIAN GIRLS FOR SOUTH AMERICAN PROSTITUTES WHO DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL. THIS CREATED 1.8 MILLION LEG AMPUTATIONS ON AVERAGE PER YEAR. THEY ARE LIARS AND THIEVES. DICAPRIO NEEDS TO BE A MAN AND STOP LETTING THEM STEAL FROM ITALIAN GIRLS. [When prostitutes from South America have sex with other women's husbands ("significant other"), it causes viruses to be created (and anger and hatred in shooters) because God has already designed the Italian "Romeo" (11-11-74) to be with his Italian "Juliet" (11-14-74).] This book explains why God created the human race and what God intended for all of us. It is very important for the future of all generations, so they know and understand, why their loved ones died from the "affliction to the human race" as a result of the: injustices, abuses, bank robberies, damages, terrorist attacks, guerrilla warfare attacks, injuries, adultery and group sex orgies with South American kids from 2018-2022--on behalf of the: evil, lying, thieving Morrone family who "raped and robbed" DiCaprio (11-11-74) to steal from Calabrese (11-14-74). Maximo Morrone may be 100 years of South American troops. They are committing crimes to bank rob the financial returns of 100 years of US Military service. I also wrote this book to teach Leo DiCaprio about the meaning of "DOUBLE DATES" and how if any lies are told about them, brain damages in young girls could happen as a result of lies about double dates. I was forced to write this book as a result of leg amputations happening to young girls as a result of: lying, thieving, Nazi fascist pigs and the "Charles Manson" followers who stole from me (who were so evil they would cut the fetus from Sharon Tate just to steal from me) to aid and abet guerrilla warfare attacks on our county. (DICAPRIO, STOP BEING A DISHONEST, NAZI FASCIST PIG, AND LEARN TO HAVE SOME HUMAN DECENCY FOR REASONS OF PUBLIC SAFETY! I LOVE YOU, AND I'M HERE TO HELP YOU DEFEND US FROM: RAPISTS, MURDERERS, BANK ROBBERS, TERRORISTS, AND DANGEROUS FOREIGN MILITANTS WHO HURT US BOTH; BUT, YOU HAVE TO STOP LYING AND STEALING FROM ME! YOU ALSO HAVE TO STOP LETTING THEM STEAL FROM ME. GOD DID NOT PUT ME ON THIS EARTH TO BE A VICTIM OF YOUR CONSTANT: THREATS, INJURIES AND BANK ROBBERIES JUST BECAUSE I'M TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT SOMETHING...FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY OF EVERYONE!) Dear Google, thank you for letting me publish this book. My little brother was just murdered because we were abused so badly by Martin Scorsese during the making of Apple TV+ 's "Killers of the Flower Moon". If we can sell 10 million copies of this book, we will make 100 million dollars. I won't get my little brother back, but at least I'll be able to buy things to Honor his great love for multi-culturally diverse families. I am a straight 'A', Dean's Honor List graduate with multiple college degrees. This book was created to prevent any new variants of Covid-19 from being created and to prevent any further unnecessary: damage, death and/or destruction to any more innocent people. One of my grandfather's was a doctor in the army and he specialized in Preventive Medicine. DiCaprio bank robbed us every time he "trashed" my multi-million dollar resume and straight "A's" on a Theatre Ars degree With Honors. He gave my "Rights, Benefits and Privileges" to someone (Prostitute Morrone) who was 20 years behind me in education. As Prostitute Morrone kept fighting to steal more from me, the corruption and abuse escalated until he caused the Uthai Sawan incident on Kate Winslet's birthday by picking up prostitute Hadid. He wasted the rest of the year, 2022, chasing the Hadid's around Europe only to find out that Mohamed Hadid had 300 million in properties seized from him by the government. Thank you, Google, for letting the truth be published and God Bless Us All.