Capital Campaigns: Strategies that Work
One of the best selling books in its series, Capital Campaigns: Strategies that Work, Third Edition has served as a guide for campaigns of all sizes and configurations from small start-ups to colleges and universities. This book is a practical, hands-on guide to capital campaigns. It covers the field in its entirety and provides a useful, friendly, well-organized resource for novices and experienced professionals alike. Now in its third edition, Capital Campaigns: Strategies that Work, Third Edition has become a standard reference on this topic. It outlines step by step what you need to know to conduct a capital campaign and gets the point across with real life stories about campaigns. Charts, check-lists, timetables, budgets, and worksheets provide formats and samples that the reader can use or adapt for her campaign. This reference has also been updated to reflect the most recent trends in capital campaigns and now includes a CD-ROM full of reference material.