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Algebraic Art
Algebraic Art explores the invention of a peculiarly Victorian account of the nature and value of aesthetic form, and it traces that account to a surprising source: mathematics. Drawing on literature, art, and photography, it explores how the Victorian mathematical conception of form still resonates today.
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Romanticism and the Painful Pleasures of Modern Life
Romanticism and the Painful Pleasures of Modern Life
An exploration of the Romantic obsession with power, submission and masochism, through readings of Byron, Keats, Burney and others.
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Romantic Identities
Romantic Identities
A study of Romantic conceptions of the self which do not depend on the model of psychological depth.
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ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing - E-Book
ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing - E-Book
With each edition, ACCCN’s Critical Care Nursing has built on its highly respected reputation. Its contributors aim to encourage and challenge practising critical care nurses and students to develop world-class critical care nursing skills in order to ensure delivery of the highest quality care. Endorsed by the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN), this 3rd edition presents the expertise of foremost critical care leaders and features the most recent evidence-based research and up-to-date advances in clinical practice, technology, procedures and standards. Expanded to reflect the universal core elements of critical care nursing practice authors, Aitken, Marshall and Chaboyer, have retained the specific information that captures the unique elements of contemporary critical care nursing in Australia, New Zealand and other similar practice environments. Structured in three sections, ACCCN’s Critical Care Nursing, 3e addresses all aspects of critical care nursing, including patient care and organisational issues, while highlighting some of the unique and complex aspects of specialty critical care nursing practice, such as paediatric considerations, trauma management and organ donation. Presented in three sections: - Scope of Critical Care - Principles and Practice of Critical Care - Speciality Practice Focus on concepts that underpin practice - essential physical, psychological, social and cultural care New case studies elaborate on relevant care issues Practice tips highlight areas of care particularly relevant to daily clinical practice Learning activities support knowledge, reflective learning and understanding Additional case studies with answers available on evolve NEW chapter on Postanaesthesia recovery Revised coverage of metabolic and nutritional considerations for the critically ill patient Aligned with the NEW ACCCN Standards for Practice
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Breaking Down the Wall
Breaking Down the Wall
It was a dark and stormy night in Santa Barbara. January 19, 2017. The next day’s inauguration drumroll played on the evening news. Huddled around a table were nine Corwin authors and their publisher, who together have devoted their careers to equity in education. They couldn’t change the weather, they couldn’t heal a fractured country, but they did have the power to put their collective wisdom about EL education upon the page to ensure our multilingual learners reach their highest potential. Proudly, we introduce you now to the fruit of that effort: Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success. In this first-of-a-kind collaboration, teachers and leaders, whether in small towns or large urban centers, finally have both the research and the practical strategies to take those first steps toward excellence in educating our culturally and linguistically diverse children. It’s a book to be celebrated because it means we can throw away the dark glasses of deficit-based approaches and see children who come to school speaking a different home language for what they really are: learners with tremendous assets. The authors’ contributions are arranged in nine chapters that become nine tenets for teachers and administrators to use as calls to actions in their own efforts to realize our English learners’ potential: 1. From Deficit-Based to Asset-Based 2. From Compliance to Excellence 3. From Watering Down to Challenging 4. From Isolation to Collaboration 5. From Silence to Conversation 6. From Language to Language, Literacy, and Content 7. From Assessment of Learning to Assessment for and as Learning 8. From Monolingualism to Multilingualism 9. From Nobody Cares to Everyone/Every Community Cares Read this book; the chapters speak to one another, a melodic echo of expertise, classroom vignettes, and steps to take. To shift the status quo is neither fast nor easy, but there is a clear process, and it’s laid out here in Breaking Down the Wall. To distill it into a single line would go something like this: if we can assume mutual ownership, if we can connect instruction to all children’s personal, social, cultural, and linguistic identities, then all students will achieve.
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ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing
ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing
With each edition, ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing has built on its highly respected reputation. Its contributors aim to encourage and challenge practising critical care nurses and students to develop world-class critical care nursing skills in order to ensure delivery of the highest quality care. Endorsed by the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN), this 3rd edition presents the expertise of foremost critical care leaders and features the most recent evidence-based research and up-to-date advances in clinical practice, technology, procedures and standards. Expanded to reflect the universal core elements of critical care nursing practice authors, Aitken, Marshall and Chaboyer, have retained the specific information that captures the unique elements of contemporary critical care nursing in Australia, New Zealand and other similar practice environments. Structured in three sections, ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing, 3rd Edition addresses all aspects of critical care nursing, including patient care and organisational issues, while highlighting some of the unique and complex aspects of specialty critical care nursing practice, such as paediatric considerations, trauma management and organ donation. Presented in three sections: - Scope of Critical Care - Principles and Practice of Critical Care - Speciality Practice Focus on concepts that underpin practice - essential physical, psychological, social and cultural care New case studies elaborate on relevant care topics Research vignettes explore a range of topics Practice tips highlight areas of care particularly relevant to daily clinical practice Learning activities support knowledge, reflective learning and understanding Additional case studies with answers available on evolve NEW chapter on Postanaesthesia recovery Revised coverage of metabolic and nutritional considerations for the critically ill patient Aligned with the NEW ACCCN Standards for Practice
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome discusses the use of animal models in the study of PCOS the occurrence of ovarian and adrenal abnormalities, cardiovascular risks, abnormal insulin secretion, and endothelial dysfunction in PCOS modern therapeutic modalities, such as manipulation of diet and lifestyle, metabolic phenotyping
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Catalogue of the Books in the Manchester Free Library
Catalogue of the Books in the Manchester Free Library
"The Catalogue ... has been prepared with a view to accomplish two objects. One, to offer an inventory of all the books on the shelves of the Reference Department of the Manchester Free Library: the other, to supply ... a ready Key both to the subjects of the books, and to the names of the authors." - v. 1, the compiler to the reader.
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Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles
Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles
Soot is of importance for its contribution to atmospheric particles with their adverse health impacts and for its contributions to heat transfer in furnaces and combustors, to luminosity from candles, and to smoke that hinders escape from buildings during fires and that impacts global warming or cooling. The different chapters of the book adress comprehensively the different aspects from fundamental approaches to applications in technical combustion devices.
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Nehru's Bandung
Nehru's Bandung
The history of an Indian vision for Asian peace, driven by the energy of Prime Minister Nehru and the pressures of the early Cold War.
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