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ICT-related Transformations in Latin-American Metropolises
ICT-related Transformations in Latin-American Metropolises
"This book makes a contribution to the field of urban ICT studies in cities of the South, by exploring the ICT-related transformations in the Latin American urban scene." "Based on Gabriel Dupuy's notion of the 'urbanism of networks', the research analyses the recent transformations at three levels: the ICT infrastructure networks, the networks of production and consumption of ICTs in the local urban economy, and the diffusion of digital connectivity in everyday life. The results have been useful to spell out the main trends regarding urban functioning and the urban form. The book also presents the situation of digital connectivity in Buenos Aires and Lima, selected as case-studies because singular ICT-related processes are occurring in these two large metropolises."--BOOK JACKET.
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Declaración de amor
Declaración de amor
Lady Rheda, la rebelde hija de sir Dougal, está enamorada de sir Edric, uno de los caballeros que recibe entrenamiento en el castillo de su padre. Cada encuentro, cada gesto y cada palabra la hacen pensar que tarde o temprano él pedirá su mano. Pero un día llega una carta reclamando la presencia de sir Edric en el castillo de su hermano, y éste se ve obligado a partir. Tras unos angustiosos meses sin noticias de su amado, lady Rheda y su familia reciben una invitación para la boda del joven caballero con otra dama. La muchacha cree morir de dolor, y lo que menos desea en el mundo es presenciar cómo el hombre al que ama se casa con otra mujer. Pero lo peor todavía está por llegar...
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Psicoanálisis. De los lapsus fundacionales a los feminismos del siglo XXI es un volumen antológico que recoge lo mejor de casi cuarenta años de producción y pensamiento de Ana María Fernández en el cruce entre psicoanálisis y feminismos. Desde 1979 hasta la actualidad, temas como el deseo, el poder, los placeres, las violencias vuelven una y otra vez con su potencia recursiva, ofreciendo cada vez formulaciones más precisas, rigurosas y agudas. La obra se divide en siete partes que avanzan cronológicamente. Cada uno de estos "períodos" se introduce con una cuidadosa contextualización del momento histórico-político que dio lugar a los textos. Se incluyen también algunos artículos que habían permanecido inéditos. Y otros, escritos especialmente para esta publicación. Psicoanálisis reúne toda una vida de reflexiones en torno de las lógicas patriarcales naturalizadas en el ejercicio y la teorización de la disciplina, considerando que el psicoanálisis, ya desde sus lapsus fundacionales, ha sido hablado por los a priori de la episteme moderna de la diferencia. Deconstruir y actualizar omisiones, silencios e impensados permite recuperar el psicoanálisis como un campo de problemas necesariamente inacabado. Este nuevo libro de Ana María Fernández busca recuperar lo inalienable de los textos clásicos más allá de toda dogmatización, la potencia de la intervención no ritualizada, la optimización de la escucha despejada de implicaciones patriarcales. Se trata de un psicoanálisis que recupera su fuerza intempestiva, se despliega y recompone su hospitalidad para una sociedad que se enuncia pospatriarcal, posheteronormativa, pos...
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Tres vueltas al planeta
Érase una vez un cuento que quería caminar, dio tres vueltas al planeta sin volver la vista atrás. Conoció la tierra y el mar, las sirenas y las nanas, el miedo y la oscuridad. Érase una vez un cuento... ¿Te lo han contado ya? Mucho más que un cuento, este conjunto de poesías para niños y mayores, cuya calidad literaria se ve salpicada de coloristas ilustraciones que acompañan hábilmente el ritmo de los versos, constituye un delicioso juego literario para los lectores, capaz de convertirlos en adictos a la lectura. Todo tipo de temáticas tienen cabida en las maravillosas palabras que reproducen las sensaciones que se experimentan al observar la luna, el mar, el campo, los pájaros, el planeta y todo lo que en él se encierra. El resultado final es un enriquecimiento en todos los sentidos. Toda una invitación.
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MoMoWo · 100 projects in 100 years. European Women in Architecture and Design · 1918-2018
MoMoWo · 100 projects in 100 years. European Women in Architecture and Design · 1918-2018
This publication is aimed to support two MoMoWo traveling exhibitions which will be presented in six European countries in two years (2016-2017): indoor exhibition catalogue “100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018”, and outdoor exhibition “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”. Exhibition catalogue 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 brings together a selection of some of the most significant and representative examples of European architecture and design created by 100 women from the end of the First World War up until today. The number of works is symbolic, as ‘one hundred’ could also mean ‘countless’ as in the Latin word centium. While, the number of authors –each work has a different author– derives from MoMoWo’s choice to represent many different creators, consequently popularising lesser known figures, too. It includes biographies of women architects, civil engineers, furniture and industrial designers, urban planners, interior and landscape designers. It represents the main trends and major ‘schools’ of architecture and design all over Europe. The biographical data covers education and training, professional histories, networks women have operated in, including informal societies, memberships in trade bodies and associations, their profile as international, national, local and regional designers, as well as looking at how women have promoted their work i.e. in exhibitions, publications, competition entries, etc. The catalogue entries are followed by thirteen thematic essays on women architects and designers and by the outdoor exhibition catalogue “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, where photographs by ten finalists of the MoMoWo Photo competition are presented. By seeking to identify women who worked in Europe as well as European women who worked outside Europe over last 100 years, the main aim of this catalogue is to increase the awareness of historians and the general public about their enormous contribution to architecture and design, and indirectly providing accessibility to their works. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Razstavni katalog 100 Works in 100 Years. European Women in Architecture and Design. 1918-2018 prinaša izbor nekaterih najbolj reprezentativnih primerov evropske arhitekture in oblikovanja, ki jih je sto žensk ustvarilo v obdobju od konca prve svetovne vojne do danes. Izbrano število del je simbolično, saj 'sto' v latinščini lahko pomeni tudi 'nešteto' (lat. centium), medtem ko število ustvarjalk – vsako delo ima drugo avtorico – izhaja iz namena MoMoWo projekta predstaviti čim več različnih avtoric in s tem posledično osvetliti tudi manj znane osebnosti. Katalog vsebuje biografije arhitektk, gradbenih inženirk, oblikovalk na področju notranjega in industrijskega oblikovanja, urbanistk in krajinskih arhitektk iz 26-tih držav. Zastopane so glavne smeri in pomembne 'šole' na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja iz vse Evrope. Biografski podatki obsegajo izobrazbo in šolanje, poklicno pot ustvarjalk, mreže v katerih so ženske delovale, vključno z neformalnimi skupinami, članstvom v institucijah in združenjih, njihov profil na mednarodnem, nacionalnem, lokalnem in regionalnem nivoju, kot tudi kako so predstavljale svoje delo na razstavah, v publikacijah, na javnih natečajih itd. Kataložnim enotam sledi trinajst tematskih esejev o arhitektkah in oblikovalkah ter katalog razstave na prostem “Women’s Tale. A Reportage on Women Designers”, ki predstavlja fotografije desetih finalistov mednarodnega MoMoWo fotografskega natečaja. S predstavitvijo žensk, ki so delovale v Evropi, in Evropejk, ki so delovale izven nje v zadnjih sto letih je glavni namen kataloga razširiti vedenje strokovne in širše javnosti o ogromnem prispevku žensk na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja in jima hkrati približati njihovo delo. Publikacija je izšla v okviru dveh MoMoWo potujočih razstav, ki bosta v dveh letih (2016-2017) predstavljeni v šestih evropskih državah: razstava “100 del v 100 letih. Evropejke na področju arhitekture in oblikovanja. 1918-2018”, in razstava na prostem “Ženska zgodba. Reportaža o oblikovalkah”.
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Beyond the Market
Beyond the Market
This volume deals with the social implications of land transactions, especially with the role of personal and institutional networks in a precapitalist society. The four authors discuss different aspects of the relationship between three monasteries (two Cistercians, Montederramo and Oseira, and one Benedictine nunnery, Ramiranes) and the peasant communities around them in thirteenth-Century Galicia. They use a Data Base to register 2500 'foros', the typical Galician land contract and more than 8000 people and their goods. The thesis of the authors is that monasteries did not exert their authority upon powerless peasants, but constraint by preexisting networks of local people. Most of the peasants involved in the transactions turned out to be members of 'middle groups' like knights, squires or upper peasants. The book is especially important for all those interested in social perspectives as a means to understand the medieval economy.
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Cervantes, the Golden Age, and the Battle for Cultural Identity in 20th-Century Spain
Cervantes, the Golden Age, and the Battle for Cultural Identity in 20th-Century Spain
Studies that connect the Spanish 17th and 20th centuries usually do so through a conservative lens, assuming that the blunt imperialism of the early modern age, endlessly glorified by Franco's dictatorship, was a constant in the Spanish imaginary. This book, by contrast, recuperates the thriving, humanistic vision of the Golden Age celebrated by Spanish progressive thinkers, writers, and artists in the decades prior to 1939 and the Francoist Regime. The hybrid, modern stance of the country in the 1920s and early 1930s would uniquely incorporate the literary and political legacies of the Spanish Renaissance into the ambitious design of a forward, democratic future. In exploring the complex understanding of the multifaceted event that is modernity, the life story and literary opus of Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) acquires a new significance, given the weight of the author in the poetic and political endeavors of those Spanish left-wing reformists who believed they could shape a new Spanish society. By recovering their progressive dream, buried for almost a century, of incipient and full Spanish modernities, Ana María G. Laguna establishes a more balanced understanding of both the modern and early modern periods and casts doubt on the idea of a persistent conservatism in Golden Age literature and studies. This book ultimately serves as a vigorous defense of the canonical as well as the neglected critical traditions that promoted Cervantes's humanism in the 20th century.
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Enfrentando al destino
Enfrentando al destino
Isabel Fuentes no quiere dejar atrás su vida en Caracas, pero sabe que no debe permitir que su padre emprenda solo el viaje de vuelta a España. Por eso acaba convenciéndose de que el regreso a la Península es lo mejor para ambos. Sin embargo, su creciente entusiasmo no tardará en empañarse cuando el barco en el que viajan es abordado por unos piratas, e Isabel es secuestrada y entregada como moneda de cambio al corsario Stephen Harrys. Desde entonces, en la mente de Isabel sólo hay un pensamiento: huir. Para lograrlo empleará todos sus recursos, pero sus sentimientos hacia Harrys terminarán entorpeciendo sus planes de fuga. Aunque él no será el único escollo, pues el destino le tiene reservadas algunas sorpresas que a ella no le quedará más remedio que afrontar...
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Arte y emigración
Arte y emigración
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