Exploring Gender Stereotypes
Dear readers, before you read chapters of this book, I think you should know the genesis of this book. This book contains fourteen articles, written by twenty-two scholars and academicians. Articles are trying to explore how we see Gender Stereotypes in society, culture, media and politics. All authors tried to explore the concept on different dimensions. Editor, Dr. Amrita first came up with this idea almost one year ago. She already published some books on “Women Security” and pursuing research on different women security issues for longtime. But she questions always, “why people still equate women with gender”. Here comes ‘gender’ stereotypes. In social science writings or academic discussions, people always equate with women issues with gender issues and issues of male and transgender got neglected. That’s why she teamed with another erudite and energetic male researcher, Mr. Manoj Kumar, who is currently working in IIHSG, and started the book editing process. I hope you all will enjoy reading this book as you will find diversified issues from diversified authors from different regions, age group and social group, touching topics like the Nexus of Human Security and the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic: Gendering European Union Security Strategies; Silenced Voices: Women, Conflict and Sexual Violence in International Law; Gender Stereotyping of AI Powered Humanoid Robot in Indian Hindi Cinema & Hollywood: A Case Study; Breaking the Mold: Women’s Struggle for Political Voice In India; The Experiences of Transitional Aged LGBTQ+ Youth in the Era of Covid 19: A Systematic Review; Women, Political Process and Grassroot Politics in Jharkhand: A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Women; Alive on the Thrilling Marginal: Social Exclusion of Transgender People; Towards Gender Security: Understanding and Addressing Violence; Analyzing Perceptions of Educated People on Gender Stereotypes seen in Advertisements and Media; Gender Narratives: Navigating Stereotypes and Biases; Experiences of Marginalization among Gender Non- Conforming People; The Sex role Stereotyping and gender in John Fowles- The French Lieutenant’s Women; Culture, Religion, State and Bodies of Women; and Sociology of Gender. Titles of the paper prove that this book is successful in presenting a holistic view in front e readers. The volume is essential reading for social scientists, bureaucrats and non-governmental political activists interested in gender identity and security. It will also appeal to public policy analysts and scholars who have yet to adopt the contribution of critical security and development studies in the analysis of gender.