Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla is one among the foremost universities of India in the field of higher education, basic and applied research. The foundation of this iconic college was laid in 1956 to cater the maintenance and upkeep of the mighty Hirakud Dam (worlds longest earth dam) at Burla. The university now has sixteen academic departments ion various disciplines in engineering and sciences. The International Conference on Advances in Mechanics and Materials (ICRAMM-2016), was organized at the Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha during 17-18 December, 2016. Over the years, tremendous progress has been made in the fields related to mechanics and materials due to rapid advancements in analytical, experimental and computational facilities. The outcome has immensely benefited the industries, research and academic organizations in numerous ways. The International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanics and Materials (ICRAMM-2016) will provide a common platform for academicians, engineers, scientists and technologists to come together and discuss the progress made on various aspects of mechanics and materials. Realizing the importance of recent developments in the areas of recent advances in mechanics and materials, the conference ICRAMM 2016, focuses on following major themes: Computational mechanics, Experimental mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Geomechanics, Structural mechanics, Continuum mechanics, Coupled field problems, Structural and Soil Dynamics, Vibration Control, Structural Health Monitoring, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of structures, Composite Materials, Cement Concrete Composites and Sustainable construction materials. The papers included in this conference proceeding reflect in general the need for emerging technologies and growing interest in structural mechanics and materials to tailor it to meet the requirements for the varying application.