Block Copolymers
Block Copolymers: Overview and Critical Survey is a critical review of block copolymer technology and a comprehensive critical survey on the synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of the specific block copolymer structures reported in the literature. The copolymers are organized according to segmental architecture and chemical composition. Comprised of seven chapters, this book begins with an overview of what block copolymers are, how they are made, and what they can and cannot be expected to do. The next chapter defines block copolymers and compares them with other types of polymer "hybrids," that is, polymer blends, random copolymers, and graft copolymers. The various segmental architectures that are possible with block copolymers are then described, followed by a discussion on the various synthesis techniques applicable to block copolymers; the characterization methods capable of elucidating block copolymer structures; some applications of commercially available block copolymers; and some future challenges for block copolymer technology. The last three chapters are devoted to A-B diblock copolymers, A-B-A triblock copolymers, and (A-B)n multiblock copolymers. This monograph should be useful to readers who want to become generally conversant with block copolymer technology and to those who need to delve more deeply into the subject.