Commercial Banking
Commercial Banking: Distinct Value, Roles, and Methods is a thorough, applied, and accessible introduction to the modern theory and practice of financial intermediation as enabled by commercial banks. This book begins by answering the simple questions: What do banks do? What are the core roles and methods of banks, and what unique value do they provide? From here, the textbook considers key issues in banking, regulation, coping with bank risk, competition amongst banks, global banking, careers in banking, and future directions. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on differentiating between bank and non-bank financial firms, the impact of technology on banking, evolving regulatory environments, the economic importance of banking, and innovation in banking services. Perfect for undergraduate, graduate level, and professional courses in banking, bank management, and commercial banking, this book is reinforced with full-color figures, charts, tables, learning objectives, and key term definitions, as well as lecture slides hosted on an accompany instructor site, to support teaching and understanding.