Natural Light
"Natural Light" is a 2018 poetry, flash fiction, prose, and artwork collection book from Scars Publications (, one of three 2018 collection books of selected acceptances of 2018 issues of cc&d magazine ( and down in the dirt magazine ( from Scars Publications ( Writers and artists included in this book are also listed with their writing at the Scars Publications book link (search for the book title in the books section at Writers and artists in this issue collection book include A.J. Huffmam, Aaron Wilder, Adam Kluger, Adam Nagy, Alicia Morrison, Alistair Forrester, Allan Onik, Allen F. McNair, Andrea Chancey, AndrÈe Gendron, Andrew J. Hogam, Andrew Rivera, Anita G. Gorman, Anna Kander, Anne Mikusinski, Anoop Judge, Anupama Kadwad, Aparna Pathak, Ashley Layco, ayaz daryl nielsen, Bekah Steimel, Ben Brown, Bob Strother, Bonnie E. Carlson, Brandy Montilione, Brittany Micka-Foos, Bruce Costello, Carlos Frigo, Carolyn Poindexter, Cathy Porter, Cecelia Burton, Cecilia Kennedy, CEE, Cheryl Townsend, Christina Basher, Christina Kosch, Christina M. Jackson, Christopher Hivner, Clay Carpenter, DA Gray, Dan A. Cardoza, Dan Fitzgerald, Daniel Davis, David Gershan, David J. Thompson, David Lohrey, David Michael Jackson, David Russel, David Sowards, David Spicer, DC Diamondopolous, Demond J Blake, Denny E. Marshall, Devin S, Donald Hubbard, Doug Hawley, Doug Van Hooser, Dr. Shmooz a.k.a. Daniel S. Weinberg, Drew Marshall, DS Maolalai, Edward Lee, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Eli Jacqueline, Emily Strauss, Eric Bonholtzer, Eric Dreyer Smith, Erren Kelly, Eterigho Oghenekome Humphrey, Fabrice Poussin, Feston Altus, Frank Beghin, Frederick Pollack, Gabriella M. Shlyakh, Gaby Bedetti, Gary Van Haas, George K. Karos, Grace Ware, Greg G. Zaino, Hector Ramos, Helen Bird, I.B. Rad, Ian Bowman, Ian Mello, Ivars Balkits, J L Higgs, J. Ray Paradiso, Jalicia Hart, James B. Nicola, Jane Stuart, Janet Kuypers, JD Langert, John ("Jake") Cosmos Aller, John F. McMullen, John Grey, John Kaprielian, John W. Dennehy, John Yotko, John Zedolik, Judi Dettorre, K.M. Luis, Karen Schauber, Kasisi D. Harris, Kassandra Heit, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kevin M. Grimm, Kevin Z. Garvey, Khalilah Okeke, Kristyl Gravina, Kyle Hemmings, Kyle J Cisco, L'Dia Cantu, Lael Lopez, Lavren Le'Clore, Lawrence Basher, Layla Lenhardt, Leonard Henry Scott, Liam Spencer, Linda M. Crate, Linh Tran, Liz Betz, M. E. Murray, M. Myers, M.C. Rydel, Marc McMahon, Marcus Vance, Mark J. Mitchell, Mark Joseph Kevlock, Matthew McAyeal, Matthew Roy Davey, Megan Mealor, Michael Ceraol, Michael Gullickson, Michael Mogel, Michael Perez, Mike Schneider, Miki Byrne, Millard C. Davis, Minh-Tam Le, Myisha Myles, Natalie Segura, Neil Flory, Nicole Brissett, Olivier Schopfer, Pam Munter, Patty Ayers, Pavol Janik, Peter LaBerge, Rachel B Walker, Rae Monroe, Raymond E. Strawn II, Rene Diedrich, Retta Lewis, Richard Stevenson, Richard Tatton, Robert Beveridge, Robert Ronnow, Rod Martinez, Roger G. Singer, Ron Richmond, Ronald Charles Epstein, Rose E. Grier, Ryan Pahlkotter, Sandra Cobb, Sara Codair, Sarah Henry, Sarah Webb, Shabnam Kaur, Shake the Poet, Shane Ryan Bailey, Shannon Woodard, Sharon Hajj, Sheikha A., Stephanie Madan, Stephen Matlock, Sterling Jacob, Steve Carr, Suki Litchfield, Te'Livyvonne Starks, Ted Garvin, Teneale Moyer, Terri Martin Lujan, Thom Woodruff, Thomas M. McDade, Tom Ball, Travis Green, Tyler White, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci, Veronica Grose, Vincent Bennett, Violet Mitchell, Wes Heine, Xanadu, and Zac Harris.