When Will These Things Happen?
Was the historical Jesus a preacher of imminent apocalyptic judgment or altogether a 'non-eschatological' teacher? Despite the popularity of both of these extreme portraits in contemporary scholarship, Wilson demonstrates a via media, in which Jesus, viewed especially through the window of Matthew 21-25, is both prophet and sage, but preeminently a judge during his ministry, in his invisible coming against Jerusalem in AD70, and at God's final assize. An important contribution. --Craig Blomberg, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary In the crowded field of Matthean studies, this book offers something new, a discussion of the theme of judgment in Matthew 21-25, the account of Jesus' confrontation with the Jerusalem authorities. Dr Wilson is well abreast of current scholarship, but not afraid to take an independent line, not least in his robust defense of the view that reference to the 'coming of the Son of Man' refers not to the parousia but to the imminent vindication of the rejected Messiah. This exegesis enables him to link ch. 24 closely with the preceding dialogue and diatribe and to offer a satisfyingly coherent interpretation of the whole 'Jerusalem' section of the gospel which precedes the passion narrative. Over against Marcus Borg's non-eschatological Jesus, Wilson shows convincingly that Matthew's Jesus had a clear eye to the future, looking both to coming events in Palestinian history for his own vindication on the world stage and also to a more ultimate judgment in which he would play the leading role. Whether or not other scholars agree with Wilson's conclusions, this is the sort of careful exegetical scholarship which is needed to carry constructive discussion forward. --R. T. France, formerly Principal, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford Alistair Wilson has written a study that reveals first-class scholarship. He demonstrates that he is fully abreast of issues that are currently being discussed. In his interactions he is tactful, serene, and persuasive. While applauding the views of others, he nevertheless shows his difference from them by carefully demonstrating, on the basis of Matthew's Gospel, that Jesus indeed is judge both in the first century and at the consummation. This book is an excellent addition to evangelical research that champions a high view of Scripture. --Simon J. Kistemaker, Professor of New Testament Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary Alistair Wilson's monograph goes right to the heart of contemporary debate concerning the role of Jesus by drawing attention to the motif of judgment in his role as prophet and sage that so impressed the Evangelist Matthew. His fresh study of judgment in this Gospel shows that the early church was far removed from seeing in him the non-eschatological teacher of the late twentieth-century 'Jesus seminar.' This is an important scholarly contribution to the ongoing study of how Jesus was seen and understood by his contemporaries with considerable significance for how we ought to understand him today. --I. Howard Marshall, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Honorary Research Professor, University of Aberdeen Alistair Wilson is a minister of the Free Church of Scotland. He has taught New Testament at Highland Theological College in Dingwall, Scotland, and currently serves as Principal of Dumisani Theological Institute in South Africa.