Educational Doctorates and the Transformation of Knowledge
This title demonstrates the importance of the EdD in Higher Education in producing and transforming knowledge that will enable professional educationalists to be custodians of their field. Educational Doctorates and the Transformation of Knowledge explores the distinctive elements of the Educational Doctorate (EdD): it affords professional educationalists the chance to become knowledge producers, knowledge transformers and agents of change within their educational communities, taking responsibility for establishing curriculum, pedagogy and the moral purpose of these within educational communities. Alison Taysum theorizes upon these issues using Bourdieu's theory of practice and the thinking tools of culture, habitus, and misrecognition. She explores how the EdD makes such intellectual work possible by introducing educational professionals to the different kinds of knowledge that exist in the knowledge economy. She argues that some kinds of knowledge are privileged above others which effectively excludes people who do not have what Bourdieu calls the required capital to engage/critique current knowledge discourses. Taysum shows that the EdD is distinctive, affording people the chance to explore different kinds of knowledge, and the Higher Education institutions (HEIs) becomes a site for the democratization of knowledge. Continuum Studies in Educational Research (CSER) is a major new series in the field of educational research. Written by experts and scholars for experts and scholars, this ground-breaking series focuses on research in the areas of comparative education, history, lifelong learning, philosophy, policy, post-compulsory education, psychology and sociology. Based on cutting edge research and written with lucidity and passion, the CSER series showcases only those books that really matter in education - studies that are major, that will be remembered for having made a difference.