Beyond Healing
In Beyond Healing, author Alice Worthington chronicles her continuing spiritual growth. With the benefit of time and a mature perspective, she re-examines the sources of her healing from childhood rape, detailed in her memoir, and describes how centering prayer, meditation, contemplation, dreams, and dreamwork inspire openness to new perspectives and further growth. The presidency of Donald Trump, and the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements in the broader environment provide validation to Worthington as she moves toward wholeness, employing centering prayer and dreamwork in the process. Many members of her dream group are members of the Jung Society and provide Carl Gustav Jung’s psychological concepts to the dreamwork. In addition, she shares that the daily meditations and books by Father Richard Rohr of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have informed much of her spiritual growth. Beyond Healing recounts key dreams with accompanying dreamwork, demonstrating Worthington’s growth through her interpretation of these dreams. She thinks of the final dream in this memoir of growth as a mountaintop dream. Based on experience, she knows she won’t stay long on the mountaintop, but she will descend to continue her journey.