Men of Mark of Cumberland Valley, Pennsylvania, 1776-1876
BY: Alfred Nevin, Pub. 1876, 502 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-040-4. The Cumberland Valley sits in the south central portion of the state bordering Washington County, Maryland. It covers the Pennsylvania counties of Cumberland and Franklin along with the Washington County Maryland. This book begins with a historical sketch of the region discussing: immigrants, religion, churches, cities, Indians, education, early settlements, and etc.. The bulk of this work (almost 600 pages) is devoted to biographical sketches or mini genealogies of some 125 individuals of the region. Surnames of the persons within: Agnew (3), Allen, Allison, Armstrong (3), Audenreid, Boggs, Brownson, Buchanan (2), Cathcart, Craighead (2), Crain, Crawford (4), Chambers (2), Creigh, Culbertson (2), Davidson (2), Denny (2), Duffield, Duncan, Dunlop, Elliott (3), Findlay, Findley, Fisher, Foster, Fullerton, Gibson, Graham, Grier, Gustine, Hamilton, Harbaugh, Herron, Johnston, Junkin (3), Kaufman, Kennedy (3), King, Knox, Krebs, laird, Lane, Linn, McCarrell, McClelland, McClure, McConaughy, McCoskry, McCulloh, McCullough, McElroy, McGill, McGinley, McKibbin, McKinley, McKnight, McLanahan, McPherson, Moodey, Moore, Bevin (2), Nisbet, Penrose (3), Pomeroy (2), Rankin (2), Rauch, Reed, Richards, Ritner, Sanderson, S chneck, Scott, Senseny, Stewart, Sharp, Smith, Snodgrass, Snowden (2), Speer, Speel, Stevens, Thompson, Thomson (3), Watts (3), Weir, Wilkins, WSilliams, Wilson, Williamson, Wing, Whitehill, Woods (3), and Young.