"Cover"--"Half Title" -- "Title" -- "Copyright" -- "Contents" -- "List of Figures" -- "List of Tables" -- "List of Contributors" -- "Foreword" -- "PART I: TRAINING IN LOGISTICS AND FREIGHT TRANSPORT: BACKGROUND" -- "1 Trends in Logistics and Freight Transport in Italy: Implications on Training Needs" -- "2 Information and Communication Technologies: a Key Factor in Freight Transport and Logistics" -- "3 Education and Training Provision in the Field of Logistics and Transport in Italy" -- "4 The Structure of Transport and Logistics Industry in Southern Italy" -- "5 Entrepreneurial Culture in Logistics and Freight Transport: Cross-industry and Cross-country Analysis" -- "PART II: PLANNING AND EXECUTION OF A TRAINING PROJECT IN THE INDUSTRY: METHODOLOGY, RESULTS AND IMPLICATIONS" -- "6 Flexibility and Personalisation of Training Paths in the FIT Project" -- "7 The Analysis of Training Needs: Methods and Techniques" -- "8 Training Evaluation Models: Theory and Applications" -- "Appendix: Web sites of Logistics and Transport Training Institutions in the European Union