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Crystalline Lasers
Crystalline Lasers
By the end of the 1970s, crystalline lasers were widely used in science, engineering, medicine, and technology. The types of lasers used have continued to grow in number to include newly discovered crystalline hosts, previously known compounds generating at other spectral wavelengths, and broadband tunable stimulated emission. This has led to the creation of an extremely promising new generation of crystalline lasers that are both highly efficient and more reliable. The major part of this book is devoted to describing multilevel operating laser schemes for stimulated emission excitation in insulating crystals doped with lanthanide ions. The first part of Crystalline Lasers deals with the history of the physics and spectroscopy of insulating laser crystals. The chapters in the second part of the book present results from the study of Stark-energy levels of generating ions in laser crystals and their radiative and nonradiative intermanifold transition characteristics. This section includes extensive tabular data and reference information. Popular and novel operating schemes of crystalline lasers are covered in Part 3. In the chapters in the fourth part of the book, the newest technologies in the physics and engineering of crystalline lasers are considered. The results of investigations into laser action under selective excitations, miniature crystalline lasers, and the properties of nonlinear activated laser crystals are presented and analyzed. Crystalline Lasers summarizes and reviews the results of many years of research and studies of activator ions and multilevel operating laser schemes, and discusses exciting prospects of using these systems to create new types of crystalline lasers. This book will be of use to laser scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemical engineers.
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Multistability in Physical and Living Systems
Multistability in Physical and Living Systems
This book starts with an introduction to the basic concepts of multistability, then illustrates how multistability arises in different systems and explains the main mechanisms of multistability emergence. A special attention is given to noise which can convert a multistable deterministic system to a monostable stochastic one. Furthermore, the most important applications of multistability in different areas of science, engineering and technology are given attention throughout the book, including electronic circuits, lasers, secure communication, and human perception. The book aims to provide a first approach to multistability for readers, who are interested in understanding its fundamental concepts and applications in several fields. This book will be useful not only to researchers and engineers focusing on interdisciplinary studies, but also to graduate students and technicians. Both theoreticians and experimentalists will rely on it, in fields ranging from mathematics and laser physics to neuroscience and astronomy. The book is intended to fill a gap in the literature, to stimulate new discussions and bring some fundamental issues to a deeper level of understanding of the mechanisms underlying self-organization of matter and world complexity.
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Gaussian Measures in Hilbert Space
Gaussian Measures in Hilbert Space
At the nexus of probability theory, geometry and statistics, a Gaussian measure is constructed on a Hilbert space in two ways: as a product measure and via a characteristic functional based on Minlos-Sazonov theorem. As such, it can be utilized for obtaining results for topological vector spaces. Gaussian Measures contains the proof for Ferniques theorem and its relation to exponential moments in Banach space. Furthermore, the fundamental Feldman-Hájek dichotomy for Gaussian measures in Hilbert space is investigated. Applications in statistics are also outlined. In addition to chapters devoted to measure theory, this book highlights problems related to Gaussian measures in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Borel probability measures are also addressed, with properties of characteristic functionals examined and a proof given based on the classical Banach Steinhaus theorem. Gaussian Measures is suitable for graduate students, plus advanced undergraduate students in mathematics and statistics. It is also of interest to students in related fields from other disciplines. Results are presented as lemmas, theorems and corollaries, while all statements are proven. Each subsection ends with teaching problems, and a separate chapter contains detailed solutions to all the problems. With its student-tested approach, this book is a superb introduction to the theory of Gaussian measures on infinite-dimensional spaces.
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Laser Crystals
Laser Crystals
It was a greatest pleasure for me to learn that Springer-Verlag wished to produce a second edition of my book. In this connection, Dr. H. Lotsch asked me to send hirn a list of misprints, mistakes, and inaccuracies that had been noticed in the first edition and to make corresponding corrections without disturbing the layout or the typo graphy too much. I accepted this opportunity with alacrity and, moreover, found some free places in the text where I was able to insert some concise, up-to-date information about new lasing compounds and stimulated emission channels. It was also possible to increase the number of reference citations. The reader of the second edition hence has access to more complete data on insulating laser crystals. However, sections on laser-crystal physics have not been updated, because a satisfactory de scription of the progress made in the last ten years in this field would have required the sections to be extended enormously or even a new book to be written. Moscow, July 1989 ALEXANDER A. KAMINSKII Preface to the First Edition The greatest reward for an author is the feeling of satisfaction he gets when it becomes c1ear to hirn that readers find his work useful. After my book appeared in the USSR in 1975 I received many letters from fellow physicists inc1uding colleagues from Western European countries and the USA.
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My Passion
My Passion
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The Queen of Spades and Other Stories
The Queen of Spades and Other Stories
This volume contains new translations of four of Pushkin's best works of fiction. The Queen of Spades has long been acknowledged as one of the world's greatest short stories, in which Pushkin explores the nature of obsession. The Tales of Belkin are witty parodies of sentimentalism, while Peter the Great's Blackamoor is an early experiment with recreating the past. The Captain's Daughter is a novel-length masterpiece which combines historical fiction in the manner of Sir Walter Scott with the devices of the Russian fairy-tale. The introduction provides close readings of the stories and places them in their European literary context.
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Ultra-fast Material Metrology
Ultra-fast Material Metrology
This book is the first to describe novel measurement techniques of processes during laser-matter interaction using ultra-fast lasers. Targeted at both engineers and physicists, initial chapters address the working tools, the history of laser ultra-fast metrology, an overview of ultra-fast laser sources, and the fundamentals of laser radiation-matter interaction. Ultra-fast laser radiation is discussed in chapter 4, while further chapters describe the methodology of pump and probe in practice, as well as applications for pump and probe metrology in engineering, including spectroscopy and imaging techniques. Chapter 7 describes the perspectives for this new field of research and predicts the metrology of the future, showing new potential applications of laser sources and new detectors in combination with improved pump and probe methods.
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Fundamentals of Functions and Measure Theory
Fundamentals of Functions and Measure Theory
This comprehensive two-volume work is devoted to the most general beginnings of mathematics. It goes back to Hausdorff’s classic Set Theory (2nd ed., 1927), where set theory and the theory of functions were expounded as the fundamental parts of mathematics in such a way that there was no need for references to other sources. Along the lines of Hausdorff’s initial work (1st ed., 1914), measure and integration theory is also included here as the third fundamental part of contemporary mathematics. The material about sets and numbers is placed in Volume 1 and the material about functions and measures is placed in Volume 2. Contents Historical foreword on the centenary after Felix Hausdorff’s classic Set Theory Fundamentals of the theory of functions Fundamentals of the measure theory Historical notes on the Riesz – Radon – Frechet problem of characterization of Radon integrals as linear functionals
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Clinical Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurology of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
Clinical Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurology of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
The book provides an up-to-date account of the neuropsychological, cognitive-neurological, and neuropsychiatric aspects of movement disorders. The past ten years have seen an explosion of research covering non-motor aspects of Parkinson's disease and, more recently, movement disorders such as essential tremor, dystonia, corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, and multiple system atrophy. It is often these neurobehavioral features that become troubling to the patient: they are sometimes difficult to recognize and treat, are associated with diminished patient and caregiver quality of life, and may hasten disease progression, loss of independence, and institutionalization. This book discusses the most recent diagnostic and treatment guidelines for such cognitive and psychiatric conditions in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders, while providing practical tips and strategies for general assessment. The rapid accumulation of research in this field makes it increasingly difficult for one or two people to author a comprehensive text in an expert manner. The world-class team assembled for this volume succeeds in covering widely diverse areas such as the pathology, neuroimaging, assessment, and treatment of an ever-growing set of neurobehavioral features of movement disorders -- cognitive impairment and dementia, depression, apathy, anxiety, psychosis, and impulse control disorders. The text also surveys fundamental knowledge about basal ganglia function and dysfunction, assessment and evaluation techniques applicable to a range of movement disorders, and quality of life issues more broadly.
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Fundamentals of Cryobiology
Fundamentals of Cryobiology
This book covering the basics and the state-of-the-art of cryobiology and its applications emphasizes the underlying physical phenomena. It includes a comprehensive glossary and appendices for deeper exploration into special issues.
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