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Forceful Persuasion
Forceful Persuasion
George examines seven cases--from Pearl Harbor to the Persian Gulf--in which the United States has used coercive diplomacy in the past half-century.
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Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
The use of case studies to build and test theories in political science and the other social sciences has increased in recent years. Many scholars have argued that the social sciences rely too heavily on quantitative research and formal models and have attempted to develop and refine rigorous methods for using case studies. This text presents a comprehensive analysis of research methods using case studies and examines the place of case studies in social science methodology. It argues that case studies, statistical methods, and formal models are complementary rather than competitive. The book explains how to design case study research that will produce results useful to policymakers and emphasizes the importance of developing policy-relevant theories. It offers three major contributions to case study methodology: an emphasis on the importance of within-case analysis, a detailed discussion of process tracing, and development of the concept of typological theories. Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences will be particularly useful to graduate students and scholars in social science methodology and the philosophy of science, as well as to those designing new research projects, and will contribute greatly to the broader debate about scientific methods.
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On Foreign Policy
On Foreign Policy
"This book sets out ideas on how the international community can better detect and act on the warning signs of genocide. It is a timely and welcome contribution to the debate on what may be the most pressing moral issue of our time." Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations "This slim volume is full of fascinating insights at the intersection of scholarship and policymaking." Graham Allison, Harvard University Alexander L. George-a leading light in U.S. foreign affairs-has written a reflection on what he calls the "puzzles and gaps" he has discovered in his study and practice of foreign policy over the past fifty years. In the process, he not only covers his own areas of expertise- such as his pioneering use of the case study method-but also manages to outline the major debates and dilemmas within foreign policy circles that persist to this day. Also included is a preview of new work on genocide and early warning that Alex George is developing with David A. Hamburg, former president of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
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Presidential Personality And Performance
Presidential Personality And Performance
This book, which examines the leadership styles and decisionmaking practices of presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Bill Clinton, reflects the authors interest for over half a century in the impact of personality on the political behavior of our political leaders. Its contents range from the story of the Georges collaboration on their pioneering stud
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Presidential Decisionmaking In Foreign Policy
Presidential Decisionmaking In Foreign Policy
0813325919 Presidential Personality and Performance
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Managing U.s.-soviet Rivalry
Managing U.s.-soviet Rivalry
This book examines the lessons of the U.S.-Soviet experiment with detente in the 1970s, with particular attention to the effort to develop a basis for cooperating in crisis prevention. It provides a reconceptualization of the problem of moderating U.S.-Soviet rivalry.
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Bridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap
Bridging the gap that separates the two cultures of academia and policymaking is the central purpose of this pathbreaking study. George examines six U.S. strategies toward Iraq in 1988-1991. He urges policymakers to make better use of scholarly knowledge and challenges scholars to develop the types of knowledge that can be employed effectively by policymakers.
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