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Male Intergenerational Intimacy
Male Intergenerational Intimacy
This groundbreaking book presents new historical, legal, sociological, psychological, and cross-disciplinary research on male intergenerational intimacy. Experts thoroughly document and further the discussion about this area of research through historical and ethnological examples from different times and places, and aim to clarify how controversies about the subject have evolved in modern Western society. The editors of Male Intergenerational Intimacy have solicited original research and literature reviews which do not digress into emotional arguments for or against intergenerational intimacy but instead aim to establish the basics for a research-based scholarship. The contributors address the implications of intergenerational intimacy on a variety of levels--from friendship and companionship through sexual dimensions--and further analyze personal accounts to illustrate how individuals involved in intergenerational intimacy understand themselves and how they construct their concepts of intimacy and sexual identity. Contributors also deal with intergenerational intimacy behaviors that require counseling, treatment, and psychotherapeutic interventions from a positive approach. Finally, separate chapters deal with criminology issues and penal codes as they relate to the subject area.
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Interdisciplinary Migration Research with a Focus on New Technologies and Multiple Crisis: Relating Birds of Passage to Social Policies
Interdisciplinary Migration Research with a Focus on New Technologies and Multiple Crisis: Relating Birds of Passage to Social Policies
This volume brings together emerging research on migration with a focus on multiple crises, new technologies, and social policies. Most of the chapters are written by PhD students or postdocs who took part in the 25th International Metropolis Conference Berlin 2022 (IMCB22). The book presents in three sections orginal work on: digitalization and mobile worlds of work; on social policies for Migrants and Refugees; on multiple crisis and the future of migration. Dieser Sammelband bündelt wissenschaftliche Forschung zu Migration mit einem Fokus auf den Auswirkungen multipler Krisen sowie neuer Technologien auf Sozialpolitiken. Ein Großteil der Beiträge stammt von Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen, die ihre Projekte während der internationalen Metropoliskonferenz 2022 in Berlin vorgestellt haben (IMCB22). Präsentiert werden ausschließlich Originalbeiträge zu den Themen Digitalisierung und zunehmend mobilen Arbeitswelten, zu Sozialpolitiken im Kontext von Migration und Flucht sowie zu den Auswirkungen multipler globaler Krisen auf Migrationsdynamiken.
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Sex and the body
Sex and the body
Sexualität und Geschlechtlichkeit sind Gegenstand kultureller Sinngebung. Das hierzulande nicht nachlassende Interesse an der Geschlechterdifferenz und den damit verknüpften Diskursen und Praktiken verweist auf andere kulturelle Kontexte, die nach wie vor ein Gegenbild zu unseren eigenen Vorstellungen vom Körper abgeben. Wie weit auch in Zeiten der Globalisierung diese Praktiken von einer Homogenisierung entfernt sind, dokumentiert das in dieser Aufsatzsammlung präsentierte Spektrum an Beobachtungen, das von der Beschneidung und dem "free sex" bis zum Kamasutra reicht.
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Male Intergenerational Intimacy
Male Intergenerational Intimacy
This groundbreaking book presents new historical, legal, sociological, psychological, and cross-disciplinary research on male intergenerational intimacy. Experts thoroughly document and further the discussion about this area of research through historical and ethnological examples from different times and places, and aim to clarify how controversies about the subject have evolved in modern Western society. The editors of Male Intergenerational Intimacy have solicited original research and literature reviews which do not digress into emotional arguments for or against intergenerational intimacy but instead aim to establish the basics for a research-based scholarship. The contributors address the implications of intergenerational intimacy on a variety of levels--from friendship and companionship through sexual dimensions--and further analyze personal accounts to illustrate how individuals involved in intergenerational intimacy understand themselves and how they construct their concepts of intimacy and sexual identity. Contributors also deal with intergenerational intimacy behaviors that require counseling, treatment, and psychotherapeutic interventions from a positive approach. Finally, separate chapters deal with criminology issues and penal codes as they relate to the subject area.
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