Mirror Reflections --- Mirages
The new concept of preemptive wars has generated much debate, and controversy, on each side of the divide. What impact could it have in aggravating world instability? Is it acceptable? Is it even moral or legal? Many reports and statements are presented and discussed, as to why the war on Iraq was launched, the occupation of that country, and the quagmire of post-war in Iraq that we hear about almost daily! America's good will amongst our friends has been squandered, and its foreign policy, according to many outsiders, has been uneven and capricious. Thus, in recent debates it has been suggested by some, that this indeed has caused civil unrest in many parts of the world, and may have actually increased terrorism. Many knowledgeable persons have argued that trumpeting democracy at the point of a gun, through violence, has not worked well in the past; and the US is doing more of the same. This is tragic! We have not learned much from the lessons of history -- some of the social experiences are presented both for the developed nations, and those less fortunate: the overall economy, education, health care, poverty and discrimination, pollution, injustices and civil rights, the enormous expenditures on the military and on weapons of destruction, the precarious state of democracy etc., as well as proposals to strengthen the UN. The sources for these collected data include, politicians, newscasters, writers, guest speakers, lecturers, and other personalities, in newspapers, magazines on television, and on the Internet. The search continues for that elusive peace in our world today, and especially in the Middle East. The role of America in the general scheme of things needs to be better defined; as many have stated that we have been following the wrong path.