Systematic Trading – The Official Guide to the CFST® Exam
CFST® PROGRAM - THE CERTIFICATION THAT MATTERS The CFST® Exam certifies trading professionals across the globe, providing hedge funds, market makers and other financial institutions in the derivatives industry the confidence that their talents are up to date with the industry and can demonstrate the knowledge required for everyday tasks. Why would you ask for a CFST® Certificate? COMPLIANCE The test covers Trading Rules and Disciplinary procedures of multiple derivatives exchanges such as CME, LME, ICE, Eurex, B3, and the OTC regulations in critical jurisdictions. Successful applicants will demonstrate knowledge and control of the different regulations in multiple venues as require in a multi-asset business world. PRODUCT By covering multiple exchanges and OTC products trading characteristics and calculations, the test will certify that Traders and Brokers understand the differences and workings of each multiple product, qualifying them to be able to trade any derivative or to confidently deal with customer requirements in a wide range of product classes. QUANTITATIVE Level II of the CFST programme assesses candidate’s abilities with understanding the principles of algorithmic trading, strategy development and deployment. Questions will assess statistical, research, and infrastructure-related knowledge to certify a successful candidate to work in the industry. Enroll for the CFST® Exam: Level I is designed to cover Compliance, Market Fundamentals and Economics, and is suitable for all professionals in the derivatives industry, including Back-Office, Compliance, Trading, Operations and Sales. Level II is designed to cover Derivatives Valuation, Risk Management and Algorithm Development and suitable for professionals in Risk, Trading and Strategy.