The Transformation of the Armed Forces
Information technology (IT) has had, and will continue to have, a deep impact on the defence sector. The most advanced countries, not only the U.S. but also France, Great Britain and Italy, over the past few years have undergone a transormation of their armed forces aimed at exploiting the strategic advantages of IT. The goal pursued in Europe, and also promoted by NATO, is Network Enabled Capability (NEC). That is combining equipment and soldiers, as well as different doctrinal, procedural, technical and organizational elements, into a single network to obtain their interaction in order to achieve substantial strategic superiority. In practice, this also occurs with a strong, efficient and secure telecommunications network, and through netcentric modernization of armed forces' capability and systems aimed at connecting them to the net. This research paper analyzes the military netcentric modernization and transformation programs - still in progress - in France, Britain and Italy, with special focus on the joint program led by the Italian army called "Forza NEC". Opportunities and challenges of "Forza NEC" have been considered according to the Italian armed force's requirements, developed during two decades of experience in international military operations, as well as in the light of the evolution of strategic doctrine at a European and transatlantic level. Particular attention has been devoted to the interaction between industry and the armed forces, and to the involvement of many Italian companies in different "Forza NEC" activities, as it represents one of the pillars of the procurement program.