A Revision of the Genus Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera: Aulacigastridae)
The world's described species of the genus Aulacigaster Macquart, now numbering 55, are revised. New species from the Afrotropical (2 species), Neotropical (37 species), and Oriental Regions (2 species) are described, and the genus is divided into seven species groups, of which six are Neotropical. Keys to the species groups and to the known species occurring in the Afrotropical, Nearctic, Neotropical, Palearctic, and Oriental Regions are provided. Diagnoses, detailed distributional data for species of the genus, notes on the biology, and illustrations (photographs and drawings) are included to facilitate species identification. A phylogenetic analysis was performed to test the monophyly of the genus Aulacigaster and to discover relationships between included species, hence indicating the monophyly of the species groups. The ingroup includes a total of 24 exemplar congeners. Outgroup sampling includes exemplars from the putative sister group, Curiosimusca. Analyses with and without successive weighting recovered a monophyletic Aulacigaster and indicated clades within the genus.