History of the Welles Family in England; with Their Derivation in This Country from Governor Thomas Welles, of Connecticut
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1874 edition. Excerpt: ... the Crown of England, firmly enjoining you to appear at said term at Pentecost, horsed and armed, the strongest in force possible, to advance into the said kingdom of Scotland, along with those who shall be ordered by us, and the brave gentlemen who are to be our companions at the same hour. According as you have Our honor and profit at heart, and glory of our Realm and your own happiness, in no manner omit our requests. Given at Stanwick, the 26th day of September, in the 26th year of our reign. These letters sent to the Counts, Barons, and Chevaliers superscribed, among whom is named Adam de Welles. A. D. 1299. -- 27th Edward I., R. F., vol. i. pages 908, 909. Troops assigned a certain period for their appearance at Carlyle. Proclamation to Edmund, Count of Cornwall, our well-beloved Kinsman, to permit to come to us against the Scots, our enemies and rebels, assistance, until the 2d day of August proximo. Similar letters sent to the Counts and Barons. Among the latter was Adam de Welles. A. D. 1300. -- 28th Edward I., R. F., vol. i. page 917. In the proclamation of the King at Carlisle, calling upon the army and its leaders as above (27th Edward I.), Adam de Welles is among the signers. In a like summons and demand for service of Edward, Count Cornwall (28th Edward, 1300), this Adam is among the signers. A. D. 1301. --29th Edward I., R. F., vol. i. page 927. The Wars of Baliol and Bruce. At a Parliament convened at Lincoln, respondent to a letter of the Pope, Scotland denied that the Country was held by feudal tenure of Rome or the Church. The Barons subscribed to the Papal jurisdiction, acknowledging the Pontiff supreme Lord of Scotland, Lord of England, and the most Sanctified Father in Christ. Adam, Lord Welles is among the signers....