My First Aquarium Book
My First Aquarium Book Spanning 50 Years of Experience 1967 to 2017. My First Aquarium – The Joy of Tropical Fish Keeping is a book for all new and existing aquarists participating in the noble and time honoured traditional pastime of tropical fish keeping. The Best Selling Author of Tropical Fish Keeping shares his knowledge of five decades since taking up the hobby in 1967 with you for keeping healthy thriving tropical fish and as one of the World’s select few to successfully breed wild Discus in captivity over 25 years ago the king of the tropical fish aquarium. Inside this book are over 400 pages of valuable information, containing over 93,000 plus words and over 250 plus photographs, diagrams and illustrations to ensure every aquarist is successful in their life’s journey of tropical fish keeping. Taking up the noble and time honoured traditional pastime of tropical fish keeping should be an enjoyable experience for all. This book will become a valuable companion and friend to all new and existing aquarists, seeking the right advice and answers, to chart and navigate a successful path and journey for years to come! This same journey began for the author back in 1967, five decades ago, and today he is just as passionate about the hobby and pastime as he was then. Sharing 50 years of knowledge, and as folk know, hands-on experience counts! Chapter 1 - A Little History of the Pastime, Chapter 2 – New Aquarist Getting Started, Chapter 3 - Tropical Fish Aquarium Theme, Chapter 4 - The Aquarium Size, Stand and Positioning, Chapter 5 - Aquarium Substrates and Furnishings, Chapter 6 – Growing and Keeping Aquarium Plants, Chapter 7 - The Aquarium Filtration System, Chapter 8 - Aquarium Water Conditions, Chapter 9 - Heating and Thermostats, Chapter 10 - The Aquarium Lighting Methods, Chapter 11 – Fish Species Behaviour, Chapter 12 - Aquarium Fish Species, Chapter 13 - Feeding Fish Species, Chapter 14 - Aquarium Early Days Care, Chapter 15 - Aquarium Maintenance, Chapter 16 - Fish Species Safety and Health Care, Chapter 17 – Fish Diseases and Cures, Chapter 18 – Aquarists Reference Tables, Chapter 19 - Aquarists Products and Accessories, Chapter 20 - Additional Notes, Chapter 21 - Useful Resources, Chapter 22 – Breeding Tropical Fish Tips, and much more.