Star Child
Star Child: Science Fiction/Dystopian Masterpiece Pits Maverick Spaceship Captain against Seductive, Alluring & Possibly Deadly AI Computer System. Masterfully crafted by Paul Alan, the third volume in the celebrated new 'Rings of Polaris' series fuses sci-fi, dystopian fiction, action and erotica - in an adventure giving Arthur C. Clarke a run for his money. While nobody will deny science fiction's timeless popularity, both readers and critics are currently crying out for wholly-unique new narratives that don't succumb to recycling of the "same old" concepts. Thankfully, Paul Alan has stepped up to the plate with gusto, serving up a compelling new series that melds traditional sci-fi hallmarks with palm-sweating erotica. ...Sexual encounters with virtual reality companions, that is! 'Rebel Lexis' may not follow convention, but Alan's creation is rapidly building up a following among those who fell in love with Joseph Kosinski's 'Oblivion' and the groundbreaking '2001: A Space Odyssey'. It's easy to see why. Synopsis: Jason Bjorn just wants to do his job and captain his ship, but when his employer-The Polaris Corporation-sends him on a trek across the wastelands of Earth where he encounters treachery, an ancient cult, and secrets that strike at the heart of Polaris' control over the planet. Soon, fighting to stay alive is the least of his worries as he finds himself at the center of a conflict that could change everything with nobody on his side but SOFIA, the seductively independent operating system that runs his ship. "While of course rooted in science fiction, this series is deeply invested in the romance and emotional side of its main players," explains Alan. "Captain Bjorn is smitten with Rebel Lexis and finds it hard to refuse the suggestions of SOFIA - but when their loyalty dies and he's left to fend for himself, he has to learn who he can trust, when he can trust them and if they can provide any hope for him staying alive. You won't find anything as unique as this in any other novel out there." Continuing, "I wanted to build on Arthur C. Clarke's notion of a creative and mysterious AI computer system that, while exhibiting human emotions, can react in the most unlikely and unpredictable ways. I admit that I took a risk with this format, but initial feedback has been overwhelmingly positive." Alan isn't exaggerating. For example, Lilly comments, "Jason and Lexi, his SYN and lover, have become separated. Lexi is an AI computer system with human emotions. Jason is battling to escape his enemies and believes Lexi has been destroyed. Lexi thinks part of her brain isn't functioning right since she can't locate him, but suspects he has been killed. Jason's child is growing inside her. She is on Mars in the Chameleon, Jason's spaceship, and deadly giants are roaming around. In order to protect the child inside her, she takes control and enlists robots to guard the ship. Then a strange event occurs, and she must make dangerous decisions if part of Jason is to live on. This is an action packed, creative third book in the Rings of Polaris series. The story ends with a cliffhanger, and I'll be looking for the next edition to this unique tale." http: //