The Hidden Gospel
This book presents the whole Bible in an easy-to-understand style. God is its Author and we must see it from His perspective. God's ultimate purpose is the complete restoration of all Creation. After Adam's fall, God has worked systematically towards achieving this purpose. His progress is slow and methodical. Various stages must be completed before He can continue. These stages are shown and explained in a way you can understand them. Most teachers and preachers present the Bible in snapshots. These snapshots are pictures frozen in time. They are wonderful to look at, but they do not show God's overall progress towards achieving His ultimate purpose. Like the seven days of God's Creation, each age has its own purpose. In this current age, people are concerned. They are unsure of the future and what will happen to them. There is good news! Presently, there is an offer from God on the table. Yet, most people are totally unaware of it. This book answers a lot of questions. It makes clear a gospel that was once hidden, "but now" is revealed. Once you understand His offer, you can decide to reject or accept it.