Elements of Shipping
Some 25 years has passed since the first edition of this book was published. Today it is regarded by many as standard work on the subject, and is retailing in over 175 countries. It is appropriate the sixth edition should be published at a time of great change in the international shipping industry. Opportunity has been taken particularly to enlarge the chapters on bills of lading, chartering, ships and their cargoes, containeriz ation, and the international consignment. Additional illustrations have been provided especially on ship types. The sixth edition will be useful specifically for students taking courses sponsored by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Insti tute of Freight Forwarders, Institute of Export, Institute of Trans port Administration, Institute of Physical Management, Chartered Institute of Transport, Institute of Bankers, Institute of Marine Engineers, Institute of Marketing, Institute of Road Transport Engineers and Chambers of Commerce. It will also be ideal for students taking shipping, export, import, international trade and transport examinationslresearch courses at degree/diploma level at universities and polytechnics, not only in the UK, but also in Hong Kong, Nigeria, Malaysia, Jamaica, Jordan, USA, the Middle East, Europe, Pacific Rim Nations and Third World countries. The book remains compulsory reading on the Foundation Course in Overseas Trade - subject 'International Physical Distribution' - for which I was one of the four subject specialists responsible for the course's development under the aegis of HM Government in 1975 through the British Overseas Trade Board.