Maria R
Two of the most important events in the life of Queen Mary took place on the same day of the year (July 29). On that day in 1565 Mary married Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, and that day in 1567 saw her abdication and the subsequent coronation of her son. The dramatic and traumatic two years between these dates provide the framework for this popular narrative history. This is not so much a biography as a swift-moving romantic tragedy where, in just twenty-four months amongst the four main residents at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, there were two marriages and as many murders. At the end of the period the two survivors, the heroine and anti-hero, were forced to leave the palace forever. Those fateful two years are distinguished by a multiplicity of characters. Accordingly, the book contains a large number of short, sharply etched prose sketches of Mary's many suitors -- foreign rulers with an impact on Scotland -- and the Scottish nobility of the time. Until now there has been no description of all these people in one simple volume. These sketches containing biographical material, connecting with Mary and her court and outlines of personal characteristics, are an integral part of the book -- indeed, they constitute one of its principal claims to originality. By examining the inter-relationships in this way, this book is able to provide a thoroughly unique insight into the royal families and ruling elites of sixteenth-century Europe. -- Book jacket.