With over a million copies sold worldwide and translated into 22languages, the Health Freak books have been a global publishing phenomenon,bringing both fun and vital health education to teenagers the world over.Health Freak: Bullying has the popular question-and-answer format of the HealthFreak series (Sex, Drugs), based on genuine questions emailed by kids to theauthors' award-winning health advice website (teenagehealthfreak.org). Frank,down-to-earth answers are given by the authors, both of whom are doctorsspecializing in teenage health issues.Bullying is a perennial and highly damaging problem affecting many thousands ofchildren - boys and girls of all ages. It is a matter of desperate concern forthose affected and for their parents and teachers, and is among the issues mostfrequently raised by kids in their emails to the authors' website. Bullying iscurrently much in the media spotlight and the target in the UK of a majorgovernment-sponsored initiative. It is also prominent within the UK NationalCurriculum (in the guidelines for PSHE at KS2 and KS3).BLAIDAN MACFARLANE ran the Child and Adolescent Health services for theOxfordshire Health Authority. He is now an international freelance consultant inchild and adolescent health.BLANN McPHERSON is a general practitioner with extensive experience of youngpeople and their problems, and a lecturer in the Department of Primary HealthCare at the University of Oxford.Teenage Health Freak titles include: The Diary of a Teenage Health Freak; TheDiary of the Other Health Freak; RU a Teenage Health Freak?; Health Freak: Sex;Health Freak: Drugs. The authors' other books include Mum I Feel Funny (whichwon the Times Education Supplement Information Book Award), Me and My Mates, TheVirgin Now Boarding, and Fresher Pressure. Most recently they published a bookfor parents about the teenage years called Teenagers: the agony, the ecstasy,the answers.