The Modern Qur'an
The proposed title of the book is: 'The Modern Qur'an: Lessons for today'. This book has been written to address the confusion and the misapprehension that are so often a feature of discussion about the Qur'an. It will help those who seek the truth to understand the Qur'an (and thus, Islam) better by exploring its origin, development, composition and philosophy. This book examines all the central elements of Qur'anic studies, and also addresses, head on, some of the contentious issues facing Islam today, such as the concept of Jihad. This book unifies in a single text, all the major issues discussed in the field of Qur'anic studies. This book is suitable for all audiences, including undergraduate/postgraduate students, and the reader requires no pre-requisite knowledge e of Qur'anic studies or of Arabic. The book is written in clear and concise English, avoiding jargon and technical terminology as far as possible. The book contains a glossary to aid the reader with certain Qur'anic terms discussed within the book, and also contains a bibliography and further readings.