The Passion of Christ and the Purpose of Life
DO YOU LONG FOR A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF CHRIST'S SACRIFICE? Why did Jesus have to die? Who was responsible? What does His death mean to me? The Passion of Christ and the Purpose of Life is dedicated to helping answer questions like these, and to lifting the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ off the pages of Scripture and into your heart. In today's fast-paced, self-focused world, it's difficult to find quality biblical teaching, let alone teaching that simplifies profound truth so it can be applied to everyday lives. At LOVE WORTH FINDING, we understand that struggle and seek to help Christians grow deeper in their faith through the timeless teachings of pastor, teacher, and author Adrian Rogers. Adrian Rogers (September 12, 1931 - November 15, 2005) was an American Southern Baptist pastor and conservative author. He served three terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention (1979-1980 and 1986-1988). Dr. Rogers was born in West Palm Beach, Florida. He entered Christian ministry at the age of nineteen. He graduated from Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. After serving in three Southern Baptist churches in Florida, Dr. Rogers became the senior pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, where he remained until March 2005. During this period, the church's membership grew from 9,000 to 29,000, and the church moved into a new larger facility. Rogers was named pastor emeritus after his retirement in March 2005. INNOVO PUBLISHING LLC is a conservative Christian publisher, serving the Christian and wholesome markets through: Traditional Royalty Publishing where Innovo acquires publishing rights and pays the author an advance and royalties, Cooperative Publishing where Innovo and the client jointly invest and share royalties proportionately, and Independent publishing where the client pays for Innovo's professional publishing services. Innovo publishes hardbacks, paperbacks, ebooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, film, and physical and online curricula. Innovo provides full-service editorial, design, publishing, distribution, marketing, and sale support globally. Every Innovo title aligns with Biblical principles and meets the publishing industry's highest editorial, theological, and design standards.