Mein Kampf
One of the few unbiased translations made by German-American Hans Krieger. When serving his jail sentence, Adolf Hitler began to write Mein Kampf, which translates into "My Struggle" in the German language. The book initially begins with Hitler's background, in which he describes his childhood, early aspirations, and the conflict he felt when he was expected to follow his father's footsteps. He was born in the border between Germany and Austria, growing up in a household in which his mother devoted her time to house hold chores and taking care of children. Meanwhile, Adolf's father was a part of the civil service, later owning his own farm in the country. It was often expected of him to become a part of the civil service when he reached a proper age. However, he had no need or want to follow in his father's footsteps. This often caused internal conflict towards his father. "It was simply inconceivable to him that I might reject what had become the content of his whole life"